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don't tell me you're hiring, because you're not!

Assuming that you came into this thread having heard about the "labor shortage" that corporate America claims is going on. How it's constantly being pushed as a labor shortage instead of an income and benefits shortage.

All these places that I see hiring that aren't offering a living wage or benefits. I've recently seen one place hiring that has age tier starting pay. We're more used to seeing that in terms of shift tiers (for example, companies paying more to do third shift). Doing that by age is really bold since you're not supposed to discriminate against people based on age.

I also read an article about someone in Florida who recently applied for 60 jobs to take a poll on what would happen. This person was not a genuine job seeker, fortunately. Out of 60 jobs that claimed that they were hiring only one called him back for an interview. I would suggest looking up the article to read it for yourself and also see his posts about it on twitter.

Companies are using the great resignation to justify their claim of a labor shortage when we have plenty of evidence to show that it is more about them not paying living wage or giving benefits and less about people not wanting to work. That Floridian applying for all those jobs just to see the results it's pretty much the icing on the cake. I would also like to know of anyone else who did anything similar.

Aside from that, what is your take on all this? Were you a part of the Great resignation 2021? How has your experience as a job seeker been recently? You can also talk about whatever is related to this.

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Reply by Nullogs


And then the commies realize... oh fuck... PATRIOT hackers can trace this.

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Reply by Helios (he)


Do it. Go full commie, comrade Eugi.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


I think "The Great Resignation" is a lot of smaller things all happening at once and a lot of companies are using the term to try and paint over what's really going on.

A lot of tech companies right now (especially corporate groups) are experiencing a massive flight of workers because they realized that:
  1. They don't need to show up every day
  2. Their quality of living is much higher when they don't have to go in every day
  3. Their company does not give a shit about their wellbeing if they're going to force them to come back every day for the sake of micromanagement
For service sector jobs, a lot of people aren't necessarily leaving, they just aren't going back. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers show that many jobs related to hospitality, retail, etc. are rebounding slower than other fields, indicating that many people who would have otherwise worked in those industries are now simply getting different jobs.

This is especially true fast food, whose business model has been slowly collapsing in on itself since the early 2000's. The overabundance of locations and general attitude of store owners that their franchise stores are a form of high-return passive income rather than a place of work has been a slow-building disaster for years now.

Many factory/manufacturing workers are resigning because the gradual weakening of unions has resulted in stagnant wages and an erosion of worker protections. The ongoing John Deere strike is a visible example of this, and dead-in-the-water unions across the field are resulting in many workers resigning because they see no future there.

All of these have similar outcomes, but different circumstances.

These tensions have been building for years and the pandemic put enough strain on everyone that they're coming to a head a lot faster than the executive class planned. The real problem is that corporate greed and hyper-individualist culture is leading to a complete collapse of various industries - a collapse that would have happened more gradually if it weren't for the additional strain of the pandemic.

Not to go full commie, but Marx was really onto something when he wrote:
"What the Bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave diggers"
You can't spend decades strangling pennies out of your own workforce and then expect to have one.

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