Pretty awful! Finals are in a couple days from now and I'm probably gonna fail the geometry final because of my dyscalculia. Also, my classmates are complete jerks and I hate all of em.
Topic: What’s school like for you?
Reply by LunaRemy
Reply by clovvie
pretty shitty atm, our school shifted to online classes due to the intense heat, now I've got a ton of homeworks piling up. but negative stuff aside, I somehow made it into the with honors batch in my class?? I literally have straight 75s in math, which is like the equivalent of an F-
Reply by 𝔰𝔬𝔭𝔥𝔦𝔞
school haz been nice, i have a good supportive friendgroup finally but schoolwork is a bore >_<. sadly it took a while to get here tho, ppl are something. it just takes time!
Reply by savelyshyshy
No es que me encante, pero tampoco la odio.
Tengo bastantes amigas y uno que otro amigo, aunque no soy mus cercana a ninguno de ellos (amigos y amigas).
Me va relativamente bien, nunca pierdo una materia, pero si varios examenes.
me llevo bien con mis profesores y compañeros, tenemos una buena relación casi nunca peleamos.
Si lo tuviera que calificar del 1 al 10 seria un 8
Me va relativamente bien, nunca pierdo una materia, pero si varios examenes.
me llevo bien con mis profesores y compañeros, tenemos una buena relación casi nunca peleamos.
Si lo tuviera que calificar del 1 al 10 seria un 8
Reply by steve_sonic
Reply by angry bosnian dude
Ugh I hate it and I love it same time.i wish we had libraries thought but thankfully at least we have some band that I’m in
Reply by QKThr
I am so so stressed because it's the end of senior year, so that means I am BUSY. It's like actually insane. It will all be over soon though, so that's good. My last day is the 13th I believe and my graduation is the 19th :D
Reply by Gloomy456
Reply by CoolObject520
Reply by Ayu
Disgusting. I want to sleep, the classroom stinks and is stuffy. The subjects are of course easy, but these tests ruin everything. There are no friends at school and there is a lot of gossip about me. In short, it's complete bullshit.
Reply by Lufifec O_o
Reply by Étienneroses
In my first year I did poorly only because I didn't attend much and I repeated the year now I'm doing very well (today I had an English test and I was the first and the only one to submit, I hope for good results)
Reply by Chunny
Aaah, I really really don't like school!... It's a complete nightmare for me, I feel depressed all the time because of it... Even my teachers are terrible! For example, a biology teacher sets homework, a project, on one topic and asks a completely different question during the defense... in my school, in principle, teachers often humiliate students :(
I'm graduating from high school this year and I'm very happy about it, because I have a lot of unpleasant things connected with this place... It's sad that my classmates are bullying me (∩`ロ´)⊃
Oh, and I also remember that once at our school they found a bunch of maggots in a pot of soup, it was very disgusting.... There were a lot of similar cases with food, but I won't talk about it, it's too disgusting.ಥ_ಥ
By the way, another reason why I hate school is that almost every fourth student smokes there, electronic cigarettes are common among students at our school and I personally don't like it because literally the smell makes me feel bad...
Ah, I could list a bunch more disadvantages of my school, but I'm a little tired and I want to sleep... Good night everyone! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Reply by Ionut Florin Gavriliu
Reply by Jazzy
Reply by Retr0
Better than most schools
we have a wellness period in the morning where we take like 30 minutes to settle down, talk to friends, maybe get some sleep or work put in before we start learning
Reply by Izzy
School is like a place to learn and a part of socializing as well to make us feel ready when entering the real world when we get older.
But everything has pros and cons, yk? I've been drained, stressed, and pressured from school and friends to the point I forgot to have time for myself. Even though I love some part of it, it slowly eats me up.
And it sucks, throughout my childhood I always felt that locked-up feeling. But also it takes to be surrounded by good friends to get that feeling out- which is kind of uncommon to have in my place.
Reply by Hail
Beginning of the year sucked really bad because I had no one to talk to, but then in October I found my people. Joined some groups and met some awesome people. Had a blast doing after school activities like rehersals and plays.
Reply by isa ??
IDK. I personally find it to be a huge burden,,, it stresses me out having to learn things i won't need and at the same time, meeting my legal adulthood (18) with a load of doubts about society, burocracy and such, you know, the things school should ACTUALLY be teaching you. I personally really do not enjoy it. Does anyone feel the same?
Reply by isa ??
IDK. I personally find it to be a huge burden,,, it stresses me out having to learn things i won't need and at the same time, meeting my legal adulthood (18) with a load of doubts about society, burocracy and such, you know, the things school should ACTUALLY be teaching you. I personally really do not enjoy it. Does anyone feel the same?
Reply by erogurny
The school inflicted psychological trauma on me lol. almost all my life I have lived in a small village where all the youth are students of the only school with 300 people. Throughout my studies, I was bullied and made a laughing stock of, and now the whole village hates me. I am lucky that I recently moved to a new city. I hope to find friends at the new school..
Reply by ﹫rumoured 𔘓
so far so good even though in just 2 weeks ive been put through unholy ammounts of stress. it's still rewarding to see high grades on my school report though.
Reply by ro
Reply by Liaaa_girl
Oh, bueno...
Los primeros años de secundaria me hicieron bullying y eso me hizo odiarla.. ;c
Ahora solo se burlan a veces, pero por lo menos pude conseguir 2 amigas en mi salón. Lara, si estás viendo esto, quiero decirte que, te quiero. Gracias por ser mi amiga y no excluirme como los demás, eres genial. :3
Reply by Lincoln Henry
school is a pain in the ass, i just keep having this feeling i am learning stuff in math or physics for once, but when exams finally come rolling around, they completely break my mind, now to be honest physics, chemistry and biology was fine for me, but math was just ass!
Not to mention average school day is not great, the average time is 2 PM to 8:20 PM, i have to constantly deal with these dudes who smoke a lot in bathroom, talks about nothing but football (or soccer) and thinks they're so different from a poor neighborhood, but in Brazilian context, that's no shit! there's also infrastructure problems, with parts of walls breaking apart, bathroom mirrors missing, toilets that literally MADE A MOUSE COME OUT OF IT ONCE, and the worse of all is electricity issues.
School subjects like chemistry and physics barely get any subjects, while stuff "Meeting the community and Social Emotional education get all the attention, and even Portuguese get more attention then them!
And we are restricted from just anything that we though we could do, like computer rooms, which the teachers can use, but we BARELY get to them, which doesn't make any sense. Did i also told about one time where the 12th graders (3rd graders to us in high school years), kicked one of the fire extinguishers and ALMOST got the school Olympic games cancelled?
Yeah i really needed to express how school straight up sucks, specially some certain teachers...
Reply by jiac
It's quite horrible for me honestly because they are very stressful and tiring. The only good thing is that I can spend some time with my friends.
Reply by Alexis Jhon
First year in high school (because my country starts high school at 7th grade and ends in the 12th grade) was terrible, I couldn't get shit done, I always rushed things, it was that I couldn't get behind learning materials without someone at least make it more interesting to focus on, but later on school went better as we got face to face again, but my social life did took a toll on me, and forcing myself to talk with unfamiliar people again was a bit uncomfortable, since your old lads are in a different town than you so I couldn't cope, but slowly but surely, I did regain some acquaintances, few friends, I did better academically, but I'm feeling a bit lackluster with the social dynamics my classmates have, I somehow feel kinda alienated, especially with the last few months of grade 9, so I am looking for a few more friends from different sections in grade 10 to try and change that.
In the teacher side of things, few had been somehow iron fisted (for a lack of a better word), but mostly they're chill, adept and understandable.
As of now I joined my school newspaper again because I wanted to do stuff for once, outside of my personal hobbies and studies that might put out an impact, to improve my skills. Last year I was radio silent because I couldn't do a thing, because of lack of clear and concise communication partly, and I'm a bit unfamiliar with not getting assigned tasks in a group, do there's that, but this time, I did stuff now, as a layout artist, it was so charming to see some of my stuff be put out there, but alas, I'm focusing on stuff that mattered to me.
In the side of infatuation, I did have some, one time it was getting to the point of obsession but my classmates put me back in my senses, which I'm glad for. Another time I was having a crush on a girl that I admired for months, on a section different than mine, to the point I gave her flowers on Valentine's Day, it was somehow a bit different, I know the girl but I don't know much of her personality or anything aside from her name (which if you read my blog somewhere, you can see it as an initial, because I know that girl because she wanted me to get Photoshop installed in her macbook in the 8th grade, that's how I initially know her face and last name), and at around April-May, I confessed, via a handwritten letter forwarded to her friend (which was also my classmate's friend too), and she's not into the stuff, from what I have read. I accepted it with a heavy heart, even to this day I had a few weights in my shoulders because of that, but it is what it is I guess. It had a good run.
Overall, school is a huge rollercoaster for me I guess, especially high school. But I guess 3 more years will give me enough time to get myself a nice conclusion.
Reply by Zavi
Idk abt y'all but I honestly love my school!!! Great teachers and people, the men aren't... great... But most are really cool!1!! I'm worried abt the new gens coming into the school bc they're a bit rude, least with my experience, and I don't know if I'm gonna get relentlessly bullied by the new freshman for hosting a Dungeons & Dragons club. Besides worries of the future, school's great!!!!11!!!
Reply by tills
ehh its alright, boring though
every maths class its like im hit with a sleep drug ;p
Reply by Free the Nerd
I'm a freshman so I don't know much about what highscool is like ●-●
HOWEVER! I actually love school. It puts a lot of stress on me, yes, but all my friends are from school! PLUS- I feel safe at school and the teachers are like my parents away from home.
I used to get bullied a lot but not anymore !! Mainly bc the people who bullied me were homophobic- NOW THEY'RE THE GAY ONES
I love Physics because its so fun :D but history will be the death of me.
Reply by ☆ maeve ☆
the actual school part w classes and schoolwork is pretty okay, but i hate the social parts (group projects, break/lunch, pe, school dances, etc) because i only have like 2 friends now (others have left school/switched to homeschooling) and they're both off semi-often and we don't share a lot of classes (plus they get exceptions from pe)
but if you have a bigger group of friends, or at least one person in each class then it's pretty good
Reply by spookrie
used to be terrified of going everyday but now that im entering my last year, everything is soooo much better since i finally came out of my shell and made new friends!
Reply by Meward Gay
School isn't too bad, but it's been getting worse lately since I think my mental health is getting worse, which makes it harder to focus and stuff, and it also doesn't help that I'm pretty sure I'm trans (ftm), and since I go to a Christian school, sadly there are a lot of people that aren't accepting of lgbt. I've heard what other kids in my year have said about the lgbt community, and it makes me scared, especially since they've said stuff about me. I'm not even out yet, not even to my friends at this school (my friends from my old school know), but since I got my hair cut short, other boys in my year have said some stuff. One time, we were being put in a seating plan for geography, and I got put next to a guy that I really hate, since he kinda bullied me earlier in the year, and I heard one of his friends call me a tranny. I'm not even out as trans, and they're already bullying me for it. Although, I have a small suspicion that the guy that called me a tranny is projecting a bit, cause he gives off slightly fruity vibes ngl.
This turned out to be a really long paragraph lol.
Reply by Luc
I wake up around 5-6AM every day to get to school by 8:30 and then I sit and walk around to learn for 7 hours
Reply by Ren
Tbh i dont rlly have awful classmates i get along whit so called "basic" people, tho i do have some classmates which are rlly mean and rude and annoying! Also the worst thing about school in my opinion is studying and going to class whit rude teachers, i do have good teachers which i like but some other teachers are rlly rude and yell alot and dont understand that some people need few minutes to think for a reply! Also i dislike the stress students get its rlly hard to study subjects where teachers cant even explain! we do have books but usuly isint enough! Also cheating isint usuly the option bc of the teachers.
Reply by wiskas
Если честно то не очень. Я в прошлом году перевелась в новую школу и так и не смогла завести друзей в классе, плюс у меня проблемы со здоровьем и практически постоянно чуствую себя плохо. постоянное головокружение и паническе атаки. Я говорила об этом маме, но она меня не слушает. Желания ходить в школу нет совсем :(
Reply by Macockd
Reply by Nana_st4ar
Odeio minha escola. A maioria dos alunos me acha estranha, nerd e idiota. Sempre acabo em discussões com as pessoas que desdenham de mim. No fim de tudo, tenho alguns amigos como eu, mas estão em outra sala, so nos vemos no intervalo que dura 20 minutos e na hora da saída. TT
Reply by Abigblueworld
Reply by Ari
School is lowkey boring I only talk to 3 people in all my classes but I don't mind that. I am gonna be the school mascot, Bible club, School event planner, and hope to join a sport. anyways I gotta go since I forgot I have homework oops !!
Reply by GuauGuau
It's not that I'm alone, I have my girlfriend and some friends, the problem is that I'm hypersensitive to loud noises and I'm 95% sure my class is going to be mostly my class from the last year (I only have one friend in that class), and my best friend it's older than me and she's going to a ECP and I will probably not see her again
The classes are ok I think, but my favorite class is not this next year, but the problems are my classmates, they are SO noisy and (like I say before) I'm hypersensitive to loud noises. Iwish my mom will buy me a noise isolating headphones, because I don't want to start crying in class again for all the noise :(
Reply by z-chan
I just got head girl?!?!?!? Anyways i kinda hate school - my chem teacher from last year was cool but most of my new teachers suck :((
Reply by wex *_*
Reply by tania
I hate it sooooo much omg. I moved to Italy 2 years ago and these past 2 years at school have been the worst cause I cant speak Italian very well so I have so much trouble with everything. and I also got stuck with friends that put so much pressure on me and stressed me out so bad ugh. atleast I finally left that school cause I'm going to high school this year so I hope its gonna be better now
Reply by Morningstar
OVERSTIMULATING like there's so many people to the point that you cnt help but overthink every little thing and honestly jut thinking about school makes breathing harder. I'm just trying my best to find excuses to not go
Reply by ダニャアル
Eh it's neutral some teachers are cool but some are just stupid like for example of yesterday we had a small lockdown because some kid said that they are gonna blow up the school which said the county that's not us but the teachers did it anyway which caused club day to be cancelled >:(
Reply by Extraordinarygirlxx
a place that everyone have to act that everything is okay and fine if you don't make that everyone will find you weird :)
Reply by Zoksi ☆
So I actually go to a philology school(language school) and its been a pretty big change! The people are really cool :D Like 80% ppl there are alt and gorgeous and super nice xx Its a mostly girls school so it's actually another plus. Honestly its pretty good on the term of people, they're cool, helpfull, accepting etc. Overall if we take our maths its great :3
Reply by Zoksi ☆
So I actually go to a philology school(language school) and its been a pretty big change! The people are really cool :D Like 80% ppl there are alt and gorgeous and super nice xx Its a mostly girls school so it's actually another plus. Honestly its pretty good on the term of people, they're cool, helpfull, accepting etc. Overall if we take out maths its great :3