Bad cuz none of my friends were in my class, also the mayority of my friends are not from my school.
Topic: What’s school like for you?
Reply by Kun<yEnn__
Reply by Theo
la verdad es horrible. No soy alguien de poner mucha atención, me distraigo con lo más mínimo y me cuesta. Aún así, no sé cómo estoy en el cuadro y el 2do mejor estudiante, tengo varios diplomas pero sinceramente, ¿De qué me sirve? Mis compañeros y otros chicos del colegio me odian. He escuchado cosas que no son ciertas sobre mí, bajando algo de reputación entre los profesores. Lo peor son mis padres, pero mi papá es horrible. Él exige un promedio excelente, notas perfectas, y más en matemáticas. Nunca fui bueno en esa materia, una vez me saqué un 4 y me quitaron el teléfono por varias semanas. Todos esperan un futuro exitoso en mi XD.
Fue como desahogo DX
Reply by Lilyily
uhmm, I just started yesterday at a new school, I'm new there and on that day I really made a lot of "friends" and when I showed up everything went relatively well BUT, the year before, it really was a nightmare, a teacher used to humiliate me and treat me badly in class embarrassing me, my classmates were annoying and my situation at home was not the best, it was terrible for me, to the point that I WANTED TO LEAVE THERE at all costs and my father only insisted that no, he didn't care, the only way to get out of there It was losing the year so they wouldn't accept me anymore and well... you know, cheers to all those who are bad at their school! I can understand your displeasure
Reply by °• * ♡ Hattoo ♡ * •°
school's going bad rn. I've been skipping a lot of classes just because of the teachers, and my reputation in the classroom is going bad too.
Reply by awri
im in online school so its not that bad!(*^▽^*), but it adds on to the drained and barely motivated feeling i already have ꒰ ♡◞ ˕ ก ꒱. it makes me a little more busy (8am-2pm) than anything, which is why i barely wanna do track!! itll just add on to the stress૮(˶╥︿╥)ა and i would barely be able to go over my grandma on the weekend.
Reply by Nico🥩〪⠂⭒
incredibly bad, don't get me wrong, I enjoy studying and learning new things every day but what is not nice at all is being the weirdo in the classroom or even at school (therefore, obviously, I have no friends), it is not nice either. when you don't learn an important subject and constantly have pressure from your parents saying "we're trying really hard so you DON'T fail in school" now I'm a little VERY mixed up with school topics and schedules and I'm REALLY confused.
Reply by max
well, fist and second year were difficult, my classmates used to be mean, but i changed school and im much happier now, but my group of friends just graduated and i got two years lefts, so i miss them a lots. I only have one friend on my classroom, he is really nice and we are very close, but i still feel like a part of me is missing. I know a lot of people thinks im weird, but im just trying to be happy with who i am
Reply by max
well, fist and second year were difficult, my classmates used to be mean, but i changed school and im much happier now, but my group of friends just graduated and i got two years lefts, so i miss them a lots. I only have one friend on my classroom, he is really nice and we are very close, but i still feel like a part of me is missing. I know a lot of people thinks im weird, but im just trying to be happy with who i am
Reply by Esth☆
Eu Amo os professores e o ambiente mas quando você convive com pessoas horríveis que não se respeitão nem sabem a palavra limite esse ambiente é tóxico e doentio principalmente quando você vive por validação acadêmica que infelizmente é o meu caso, mas eu tento melhorar mas isso se torna tão difícil pra mim por que eu tenho tido muitas crises e eu não sei oque ocasiona elas e nem como faze-las parar eu realmente preciso de ajuda mas não sei como falar isso pra a minha mãe ou qualquer outra pessoa, e sempre eu sou precionada pelos meus professores, pois eles meio que me comparam ou ficam falando se eu tiro 4 de 5, você podia ser melhor ou quando eles falam será que você vai ser a melhor da classe ou vai tirar a maior nota isso fica na minha cabeça me deixando louca
Reply by ;}
Reply by Khara
H0n3stly? H0rr1bl3, th3 sch00l syst3m 1s h0rr1bl3 4nd I st1ll h4v3 4 y34rs l3ft. I just w4nt t0 b3 a k1d :(
Reply by Arzzy
Reply by Arzzy
Reply by Yukiimuffinz
Tbh I used to TOTALLY LOVE IT!! I got to see my friends, my teachers were great but yeahhh I have to leave that behind on primary school and move onto secondary..I still didn't start going onto classes but this monday is my first day of class and I hope everything goes well..
Reply by 𓆩♱𓆪
It's 50/50 lol, its somewhat only "fun" because i get to hang out with my only school friend and not just stay at home doing nun interesting, but at the same time it's so draining, i have a fucked up sleeping schedule mostly bc of school and due to my problems with falling asleep, and i constantly stress about school work n all, i hate the preassure i get from school. :'(
Reply by Maya♡
I have many friends at school thats I guess the best part of it, but its a lot of stress and I skip school almost every day, because of my depression and my parents are constantly yelling at me because of that. its weird because I like the school but something is stopping me from going
Reply by Alissia
Not that bad actually, well not for me since I’m not in the big kid part like sATs and stuff. I don’t mind school, I like some teachers, I’m passing my classes, except for science but I’m hoping I can pass this year. Also this year has been sooo boring, since some of the group has already went to another school (since kids that going into year 11 go to a new school if they want and get a better education or you could stay if you want), so the kids that talked all the time are gone so now it’s way more boring and quiet. Oh wellll, there’s no drama so far so I say it’s a pretty good year I think
Reply by Alissia
Not that bad actually, well not for me since I’m not in the big kid part like sATs and stuff. I don’t mind school, I like some teachers, I’m passing my classes, except for science but I’m hoping I can pass this year. Also this year has been sooo boring, since some of the group has already went to another school (since kids that going into year 11 go to a new school if they want and get a better education or you could stay if you want), so the kids that talked all the time are gone so now it’s way more boring and quiet. Oh wellll, there’s no drama so far so I say it’s a pretty good year I think
Reply by Alissia
Not that bad actually, well not for me since I’m not in the big kid part like sATs and stuff. I don’t mind school, I like some teachers, I’m passing my classes, except for science but I’m hoping I can pass this year. Also this year has been sooo boring, since some of the group has already went to another school (since kids that going into year 11 go to a new school if they want and get a better education or you could stay if you want), so the kids that talked all the time are gone so now it’s way more boring and quiet. Oh wellll, there’s no drama so far so I say it’s a pretty good year I think
Reply by oregano-hale
its fine tbh, my gpa's not too high (3.58) but last time i took the sats last year in 8th grade i got a 1370 so i should be able to get at least into the 1400s this time around. idk im good at school i just have shit organization skills and zero attention span
Reply by tothewinter
im homeschooled so i get up around nine and eat breakfest then i do schoolwork on my laptop i end around 2 or 3
Reply by alex
você lugar chato, apesar de conversar muito na sala. No intervalo eu me sinto extremamente sozinho, mesmo com meu colega. Alem de que, eu tenho muitas amizades do passado, e que eu prefiro não lembrar. As coisas são dificies e os professores dão uma bronca por nada.
Reply by OriaTheBoi
I'ts... somewhat fine? I guess, I'm in the student council, which isn't as crucial as you think, and I actually have friends now so It's worth going.
Reply by Amaia
major panic attack last semester which caused me to almost fail school but this semester has been so great im almost scared im gonna mess it up. but im almost about to graduate so just gotta get through it :D
Reply by cowboysupernova
It's alright- sorta isolated from my classmates, doing sorta well in my classes, grades aren't horrible
Some people can be much, a bit obnoxious or rude or crazy to deal with
I still say I'm fine with them, I can handle them, but it feels like a lot sometimes
I have quite a few friends, but not too many close ones
I'm finding my groups, my hobbies, my clubs, me
I got a crush that might work out
Social stuff is rough but manageable, despite and because of the autism
Feel weird about the future- two years in, two or three still to go
The road is bumpy and cloudy, but somewhat drivable
Reply by ScreamPuff
Dropped out a while ago because my mental health was so shit when going to school to a point i would just skip most my classes, going to get my ged tho so it doesnt even matter.
Reply by nateyboy06
somedays its fine, somedays its great, and somedays.
i'd rather dunk myself into a pot of burning acid and sink to the bottom.
Reply by v1ck_
llevo cuatro dias en el liceo y ya no quiero ir mas, de verdad AYUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Reply by d3lia
I love school! I get to see my friends and I love my friends. Ever since I entered high school, I made my first true friends. My classes are also fun. I get made fun of by others, but it is not enough to make me hate school.
Reply by Kaiden
Reply by J4CK¡3
pretty ok. i'm home schooled so it's pretty lonely, i'm not able to take certain subjects because the homescooling system doesn't offer them or my mom won't let me take them because it was too "hard" for my older sisters (what isn't hard for them atp...) so rn i'm just trying to get good grades so she'll hopefully reconsider and let me take the subjects i want, other then that it's alright
Reply by its.marx
Digo que me divierto pero el tema es mas complicado de lo que pensé, mis amigas me hacen sentir excluida y trato de hacer lo que puedo para ser parte de ellas pero no puedooo
Si hablamos de calificaciones todo va bien, pero siento que cada día me pierdo mas por la escuela, me quita mi motivación
Reply by glkrd
Reply by mabbyprivate
Reply by CoolObject520
it would be okay, if it wasnt so FUCKING STRESSFUL. everyday is the same, every thing we draw in art class is the same, most things in geography, biology, or folk art ( a class i have bcz i go to art achool) wont be used, and math and native language lessons are the WORST. im convinced that the native language teacher hates anyone thats diffrent. i litterly cried when i found out that this week WONT be a free week off.
Reply by mechar0ckie
im in a new school and i hav alot of mixed feelings D: i dont really hav big problems with my class at least here nobody bullies me, but besides maybe one person i dont feel like i hav any true friends there, ive also been really bad with my grades, no matter how i try and study i never get a good grade, always mediocre or above average at best...... and im hardly passing in maths :(
Reply by BXNT!K
Reply by ch3rry3mma
i'm kinda like home schooled rn, i have anxiety and stuff so i can't go there anymore :'D but next year i'll go there again but i'll be in a smaller class
Reply by vie
Reply by Heather:3
not really good i get picked on everyday (my therapist said its almost bullying but im not very sure so i will not say i get bullied) and i have many toxic friends there but i will change school in a few months
Reply by Ch33ze
Urgh I keep tryin to convince my dad to move cuz I HATE IT HEERE!!!
I mean I have friends and a good education, BUT MY GOD DO I HATE THE STATE MY SCHOOL IS IN D:<
Reply by florasgate❀
kinda hate it, i have a few close friends i get along w my friends but the idea of social circles is dumb over here the socialising is hell bc everyones an asshole and always need ppl to backup their own ideas which makes ppl being left out of their group a super common thing and it sucks
Reply by Userz♡
I graduate from online school in less than a month, as a 16 year old I should feel happy but I feel….stuck for some reason. My whole life I was trying to grow faster than I should and now that I’m reaching adulthood I no longer want it.
I don’t have a problem with growing up or anything but it’s sort of a problem when it comes to finishing up that last of my assi
Reply by Xx_Yasomi_xX
Reply by niko #miserable condom :<
It's been kinda shit
Because of some very bratty kids everything started to snowball into the loner I am today. The worst offender was my time during the 5th and 7th grade. The kids were dicks and I each day I went to that school I would just shut up sit down and hoped that the day ended while thinking on how I could kill myself. The shit part is that the "friend" I had back then was just an asshole who was far up his own ass. I'm in 8th grade right now thankfully out of that dreaded school.
It's not all good now I'm still a loner and since I'll have to go to High school next year I'm havin' some family and school issues because of the national assessment (idk if this is how u translate it)
Reply by Nyx
Reply by Phoexie
Reply by Phoexie
Reply by meiyin
school is a nightmare right now. i'm actually not even in school for a little while.
i got expelled from school about 3 weeks ago because i started a fire. yes i know i'm a fucking moron.
i start at a new school next week and i'm so nervous, i do badly around new people and am terrible at making new friends, i cannot hold a conversation.
i also only have one remaining friend from my previous school because all my friends dropped me due to rumours being spread from an old friend.
Reply by Duarda
Horrível, mudei de escola achando que os meus "problemas" iriam acabar mais conseguiram piorar,tem algumas pessoas que não simpatizam comigo é um deles é o filho do dono,o menino só falta me crufixiar tudo que eu faço ele implica ou quer arrumar briga, até com deveres é também tem os professores, minha professora de matemática não consegue explicar bem é eu tô precisando só de 1 PONTO para não ficar de recuperação é eu sou uma boa aluna na aula dela, não converso, faço os deveres é sempre respondo as perguntas então provavelmente ela pode dar ou não pois ela tem ódio da minha sala, então até agora é só tirando o curso que me mostrou quê eu não sou tanto boa assim em algumas coisas pois eu descobri que existe equação biquadradatica,eu acho que dos 20 eu não passo