Topic: What’s school like for you?

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Reply by jolene


I've been doing online school since last year. It's easy but hard for me to focus since the internet is so easy to access now

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Reply by M1D333


Ngl, I like school. A lot of the work is really stressful but I do end up learning from it and being able to persevere. I love seeing and hanging out with my friends almost every day, I really think that school isn't so bad.

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Reply by M1D333


Ngl, I like school. A lot of the work is really stressful but I do end up learning from it and being able to persevere. I love seeing and hanging out with my friends almost every day, I really think that school isn't so bad.

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Reply by Veronika_Vampire


pretty chill rn 

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Reply by frankie ♱


Lowkey, not as bad as i see many people say it is. School is like my safe space from my home, i'm not much of an introvert at any given time so I have many friends. I just think if people were to be more social (which is easier said than done) school wouldn't seem like hell on earth as much :)

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Reply by Relaxedlimbo


I dunno I dissociate through the whole day. I don't have anyone to talk to so I just vibe. Some of the classes are pretty good but that's pretty much it

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Reply by xshrimpy


I didn't realize it when I moved, but I felt like my old school was way better since moving countries, social and education-wise. The US used to be my dream, but ever since I moved I regret it most of the time. I don't really know how to make my school better if there aren't any pickup sports for me to play and I don't really connect with anyone at my school, with the exception of very few people. People will act like they know me for 3 months and then forget about me totally. I'm used to being close with friends and always being there for each other vulnerable and stuff. People here don't feel vulnerable and barely authentic and I feel like I've lost my authenticity and I don't know how to get it back.

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Reply by Ang<3


hihihi! school is okay for right now! I'm a freshman in college and I honestly kinda hate it and love it since right now I'm on the verge of failing BIO156 but passing every other class. The only bad thing about college is my appearance. I wanna be the "it" girl in college but maintaining a good body and clear skin is so hard especially since I'm always stress eating and binge eating in general. And I'm talking to a new guy and well let's just say he's my dream man. He has sent me a bouquet to my house whenever we don't see each other and always calls me when he has free time. I honestly wanna be his boyfriend but then again I don't wanna be the one who hurts him! well that's all my rides here bye love!!

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Reply by Javiera


hoy fue mi último día de escuelaaaa ;)))

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Reply by Javiera


hoy fue mi último día de escuelaaaa ;)))

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Reply by s1r@wb3rry


I‘m literally failing school rn. All my friends changed schools or had to repeat class. I habe 5 more friends in my class but I don’t rlly like them and I think they don’t rlly like me either. But I’m changing school soon anyway so I can go back to my real friends :>

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Reply by s1r@wb3rry


I‘m literally failing school rn. All my friends changed schools or had to repeat class. I habe 5 more friends in my class but I don’t rlly like them and I think they don’t rlly like me either. But I’m changing school soon anyway so I can go back to my real friends :>

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Reply by s1r@wb3rry


I‘m literally failing school rn. All my friends changed schools or had to repeat class. I habe 5 more friends in my class but I don’t rlly like them and I think they don’t rlly like me either. But I’m changing school soon anyway so I can go back to my real friends :>

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Reply by 🎬DAVID🎬


Good, just really need to get a lot of work done.

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Reply by Stanley Fisher =}


Reply by Tricky


School has been great so far Def got myself into some drama but it literally did not affect me at all XD, failing 2 classes but that's cuz I missed 1 week of school and did not do any work. Made a TON of new friends and still making more (hopefully) 

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Reply by ★Tisiphone★


It’s actually so stressful atm because I’ve got mock exams in 2 weeks, but I’ve not revised anything and the procrastination is strong (literally made this whole profile instead of doing work) 

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Reply by mils



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Reply by mils



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Reply by Malak


it's been tiringggg, senior year has been not good so far and there's my act trial in a few days that I just can't get my head to prep for that's gonna for sure kill me

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Reply by one1up


very cool, best way to hang out with friends and make new friends, plus you can have goofy times with them. the work isn't that bad, it just cant be procastinated since its somewhat constant but other than that, its super cool

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Reply by kikitty


Hell, in simple words, a place where you supposedly come to learn and make friends. (they literally just destroy our mental health and antisocial people are not even taken into account) 

This is my opinion guys :b

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Reply by 0nline_freak O_o


Its alright, dont like when ppl make fun of me tho with is most of the time.

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Reply by Tulip


I think it's pretty decent. Principal and higher staff are a bunch of assholes but the teachers (for the most part) are nice. I've kept my grades pretty high, and found something I love doing (the Choir)

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Reply by tinfoilhat


fast paced as freak

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Reply by rick712


Absolutely hating the bullies, but i love being productive. I can not wait summer so i can have a little break from this bittersweet feeling. 

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Reply by noah!!!



im about to graduate and i literally dk wtf im gonna do. ive never had a job i cant drive, and im having a hard time doing any of my work so my grades have been the lowest theyve ever been. it SUCKS school is so lame

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Reply by Maria


ngl its truly amazing this year might be my favourite even though the teachers are o our asses with all these tests that are rather hard tbh anyway they are super funny and these 5 girls in my class just the 2nd day after our first day back in school we made such a strong bond I love it 

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Reply by ʚ🎀liv🎀ɞ


kinda annoying, i hate the ppl around. next year im switching school bc were moving

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Reply by sid<3


school is draininggggg

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Reply by 💞~Jaywow~💞


School honestly sucks for me there is so much drama and I've lost some friends, my grades suck as well I failed like two classes and I just really hope that once I go back to school I can do better and not procrastinate.

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Reply by 💞~Jaywow~💞


School honestly sucks for me there is so much drama and I've lost some friends, my grades suck as well I failed like two classes and I just really hope that once I go back to school I can do better and not procrastinate.

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Reply by Maximomo


I'm in a program called early college where we get to go the main campus of a college early, I'm in my sophomore year right now and I'm scared about what will happen next semester. Last semester I did poorly in my college class so now I NEED to make a B or more to not get kicked off the program ( ;`Д´)

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Reply by Julia


It’s alright. I have some friends but most people there suck and are mean. It’s kinda hard to find people with similar interests as me in my school. My grades are pretty good tho and I have the best teacher ever :))

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Reply by Deviously


It was going horrible for about 2 years; I had good grades but I was really depressed and dreaded school every day. Kids regularly made fun of me and I had to visit the guidance counselor multiple times because I didn't know if I would hurt my self. My mental health has improved drastically since entering high school though; the kids are much nicer than they were at my middle school and I have felt much more confident about my self. I love my new classes as well, the teachers are all very nice and I'm mostly good at the work I receive. I know people always say that "things get better" when you're depressed, but they really do. Please stay strong. <3

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Reply by 𝓗𝓪𝓲𝔀𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓼


la odio. no es lo peor pero no me gusta la gente de ahi, me va bien y todo pero no me gusta la escuela, lo mejor de ahi es mi pequeño grupo de amigos y ya.

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Reply by Mara✧


Reply by sofrat13


tbh my school rn is pretty chill, but if you don't mind me talking abt my old school, jesus the bullying was off the charts, and only bc i don't speak the language, yeah the people on that school made me hate this country wich is sad bc it has such a rich cultir

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Reply by haon


pretty chill classmates, but there are some weird ass teachers. :|

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Reply by Mika


a lot of my "friends" are not good people, and i dont know how to leave them

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Reply by Clon4sixX


Aveces suele ser muy aburrida, me siento muy sola, tengo mi pareja en la escuela, pero le doy su espacio para que haga sus cosas con amigos. Paso muy sola en el ultimo tiempo dentro de la escuela, no salgo en los recreos, me quedo sola en mi salon, me siento incomoa ahi, la escuela habla mucho de mi relacion  y se meten en donde no deben, mis amigas no se juntan conmigo, me cambiaron por alguien que saben que me llevo mal, siguen siendo mis amigas, hablamos de vez en cuando, casi nada. Siento que no encajo ahi, al principio era genial estar en la escuela, ahora estoy tan sola.

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Reply by 𝙢𝙡𝙮𝙮𝙮


It's so much better! 

I'd say that last year was not good, because I had some friends problems.

I felt alone, but not anymore!! ;D

I'm actually, a little excited for this year :33

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Reply by S.st4rcat


Digamos que buena, aunque el último año no me e sentido muy bien estando ahí pero x 

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Reply by Lime★Soda


pretty bad, loud people, hard subjects, no people that likes stuff i like, boys aways talk bout football and girls just gossip about eachothers

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Reply by Dia ⊹₊⟡⋆


school is draining me so much my hair is falling out from the stress i don't have a normal sleep schedule i wake up at 6 am then go to sleep after school then wake up at night get no sleep whatsoever and it just keeps going like today i finally slept through the night but because i slept through the day AND night im that tired that i couldn't even wake up. i really hope my mom puts me online next year. i just wanna graduate so bad already this year the work is pretty easy but if i don't keep up with it it just piles up at this point i have nothing to do in all of my classes i finish the work before the actual class starts i don't even have a crush or friends so thats always fun and my school doesnt let you use your phones and if they see you with it they take it and give it to you at the end of the school day including headphones like ..... thats so weird  i have constant headaches all the time to the point where i have a pill bottle in my bag bc it happens almost every day the kids are also kinda weird like theyre always screaming theres this guy that he was telling his friend how disgusting he thinks a girl is like just horrible things about her when all the girl did was like him. calling her weird fat disgusting stalker and everything like WHATTTTTT anyway i  have a headache right now and im doing nothing in this class....................................

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Reply by Duarda


E Considered a middle ground, there have been few good ones there, there was one time when a boy took something suspicious there, bullying is others, I even had "good friendships", but this year I'm finally changing schools,I'm confident it will be better :))

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Reply by KnotDE44D


Its not the best but its better than my house. Idk, i wanna graduate but at the same time i dont wanna do it  

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Reply by Lilium


i understand you, in my case i hate grow 

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Reply by NiKOLAi SP♤DE


My school sucks I'm convinced they hate us all. They keep cutting classes and the classes they leave you literally learn nothing in. I'm on the cheer squad and it's HELL the coach is delusional and says one thing then gets mad when we do it cause she changed her mind without telling anyone, she lies, and just straight up doesn't have ANY discipline and lets the mean girls run rampant while she punishes the people who are doing what they're supposed to for making ONE mistake. The drama department is full of nepotism--none of the leads have ever been in any actual music classes, they just have babysat the director's kids for years. There's no actual talent. Also friend groups suck. Mine don't invite me anywhere and ignore me, then when I tell them how it's making me feel they say it's my fault for not asking to come along when I wasn't even aware anything was happening. Then they claim they never hang out without me, even though I've caught them all hanging out without me on multiple occasions.  

sorry...that was a rant...

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Reply by kari


lo mas horrible de la vida...

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