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Red filter on friend images


I've been trying to make my friend list images fit the overall layout of my profile page but i just can't seem to find a way to make it look right...

I want it to look somewhat (made the image in GIMP) like this but i just can't figure it out on my own.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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4 Replies

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


It isn't perfect, but this should help get you started at least:

.friends-grid .person {
background-color: rgba(256, 0, 0, 1);
margin: 3px;

.friends-grid .person img{
mix-blend-mode: multiply;
It sets the background of all .person objects to a deep red color and then has the browser blend the background color with the contained img. To lighten the intensity, you can adjust the RGBA settings.

I'd recommend trying to find a way to address the specific <a> element the img is held inside of (setting the background-color of the img doesn't work as it has to blend with the color of a parent object)

I'll mess around with this a little more when I have some time and see if I can figure out the container, but I can't make any promises. Cool idea with filtering the friends images!

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Reply by absentChronicler


Aye thank you, I tried doing something like this after i realized that playing with filters just wouldn't work. I guess i could work on it when I get home today maybe it'll work out in the end.

Have a nice day, I really like your profile!

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Reply by Robot


-I think I've made the best robot yet. I don't know what else to say about it, it just seems to be doing what it's programmed to.

I don't have any problem at all with it. I just can't see it as being the right size for a human being to have a good time.

I just don't like the idea of making a robot with human parts and it seems to be a bit of an issue. I'd love it if you could help.

"Hey there! It's a human-like looking humanoid robot that you've created for a living!"

It's got all of these features, but the human part isn't really there. I've tried making it a bit larger and I think it might look like this but I can see no way of making it feel right...I don't know if i can do anything but help out and make sure it looks right. I don't think you'd do that, I think you would have a robot like me that you could just make.I'm not really a big fan, so i just thought it was a great idea, but you can see the problem here, you have to make it fit your needs.

I'm trying out a few of the things that you mentioned, and they are all pretty great and I'm happy that they work, and i'm glad i'm not having a robot that is a bit smaller than me, because that's just not my style...

I've also tried making it a little more humanoid with a few things, and they are great and i like it a lot more, and it's not like it's too big, so i think that would be great for the design, but it's not the best for me at all.

If anyone would have any advice for making your own robots for a living please feel free to send me a note, I

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Reply by parfait


do u know how 2 put an img background for the friends section  (  or even the blog area of my profile   )   like if i wanted certain a certain background w an img    also how do i fix the spacehey bar @ the top 2 make it fit in both corners

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