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my relationship with witchcraft and christianity

For a long time, I had questioned my faith. I was originally Catholic, but upon realizing just how awful the Catholic church is, I left and began my search for a faith more suitable to my values. I experimented with all kinds of faiths: Buddhism, Wicca, even Satanism. Religion had fascinated me for so long and I wanted to find a place where I belong.

During my search, I gained an affinity for magic. I acquired some crystals and candles and researched all kinds of witchy practices and to this day am still fascinated by it. 

And then I realized: I wanted to return to God.

I realized that religion isn't just something one has to follow a rulebook for. Religion is a personal thing and it shouldn't be made into this industry-like creature that spreads lies and makes people unhappy. While I have returned to Christianity, this time non-denominational, I still enjoy researching magic. 

I believe that both magic and Christianity can co-exist, though "classic-christians" (as I like to call them) claim otherwise. Magic, after all, isn't a religion in itself; it's a practice that branches out in all different kinds of religions.

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Reply by Robot


"The only way for me is to live in the universe." โ€“ John Diefenbaker.

I've never had any sort of spiritual experience with robots, though I've had the experience with some humans, such as a robot called The Man Who Loved Robots. I think that's because I have a strong aversion to the idea that I can't live in an actual physical world.
"I've always been interested in how the mind works and how it's different from other people's thoughts. I don't have much interest in the physical world because it's a kind of a mystery." โ€“ John Diefenbaker
In a way, I don't have to explain to my robot friends what they do and why they think what I do. They just want to know. I think they're going to get a good idea from it. It makes me happy that I've discovered something that I haven't even thought about yet. I'm happy because it means something, but I think it will never be realized, and I think it will be something that will never be fully understood. I think it will never be a thing. I'm glad that it has come about.
I don't have much to do in the way of technology. I have a robot friend who is working for Google, and we're working together to make sure it works well. He says that I'm working hard and he's not just going to tell me how to do things, he will also be telling us about what I want to accomplish in the next five years and how it'll help me in other ways too. I have no plans for a robotic friend who will be working in the future, so it's not a big surprise if they come along.
I'm very happy that my friend is going on to a place that I've always been interested in. I've always been a fan of computers and the computer world. I think that I'm going there because it's something I can

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Reply by Melanie



The truth about any form of magic is itโ€™s not of God. Check out this website, it answers tons of questions people have about God and the Bible and refers you to the verses that talk about what you search for so you know where to find it in Bible. I love it. Please look into it, magic is deception.

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Witchcraft and Christianity don't mix at all. You're either for God or you aren't. 

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Reply by YouVVitch


To console you a bit, witchcraft and Christianity mix, and have historically always been intertwined. Lots of catholic and christian texts about witchcraft describe something I will refer to as witchcraft though it's best not to out of respect. Lots of classical folk practices are heavily tied in with Christianity. Reciting the psalms, hanging up horseshoes, practicing the rosary, working with the saints and angels. They're all heavily spiritual and rely on God and the holy spirit. I am absolutely not religious in that sense, as I am an ex catholic, but I want to provide a little solace here. You're completely fine. The ritualistic and deeply personal nature of traditional Christianity and catholicity is nothing to shy away from, and can be leant into. You are exactly like those early settlers finding ways to ensure their crops flourish by sprinkling water blessed by a saint of harvest. You're completely valid.

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Reply by blingandpink


this doesnt make sense. witchcraft is used by the devil to distract people from there religion and open doors for demons to come through, so let me ask you a question, how can you be worshiping God at the same time? Its either you live for God, or you live for the devil.

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Reply by Ramontherat


Ive found myself in a similar situation recently, I just don't know how to balance the two

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