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54N5 4V5!!!


Th15 15 my f1r5t p05t h3r3!
1 w4nt3d t0 t4lk 4b0vt 0vr f4v0r1t3 Vnd3rt4l3 4v5 0r f4v0r1t3 54n5 4v5
My p3r50n4l f4v0r1t3s 4r3 3rr0r 4nd Fr35h XD 
N0t 0nly 4re th31r d351gn5 w3ll d0n3 bvt th3 l0r3 b3h1nd th3m 1s 4m4z1ng!

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19 Replies

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Reply by RURU_


My favorite is Shattered Dream, idk he’s just cool looking, i love the concept of dream eating a black apple and turning evil, but maybe it’s just me simping for him lmao

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Reply by I.Hate.Life


Mines dream sans or killer sans lolz

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Reply by Chi-Chi ♡


Fell Sans, cause he's a big emo baby. uwu

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Reply by Draxy


unexpectedly, my favorite au is Underlust, Few people know the history of au... But i like!! 🦋 Also I love lust sans sm 🌼🍄✨✨

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Reply by blithevirus


My fav is like fresh cuz he got cool sunglasses !!

Can't go wrong with classic tho <3

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Reply by Alamorin


My favorite is either Ink Sans or Swap Sans! Hard to decide XP

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Reply by ✧・゚: Despoina :・゚✧


My favorite sans AU is actually Cross sans, despite the fact Dust is my PFP. Ofc I'm a sucker for all the bad guys though lmao

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Reply by ┆ endy🦴


I LOVE KILLER SANZ SM!!! and geno sans!!!!! and swap these 3 means me a lot :D and my fav ut character is chara and moster kid !!

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Reply by hopelessrainbows


Thats a really tough one for me!!
I would say Cross or Handplates!Sans, but thats mostly because those two are my favorite AUs

Probably a popular choice, but Ink's a cool guy. I like him. He's silly

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Reply by check newest blog


i personally like fell sans he holds a place in my heart for no reason an i also like  mafia fell sans

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Reply by angel


faral!error and ink sans :3

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Reply by StoryShift_Chara


Def Ccino :) I also like fresh tho, his glasses are pretty cool

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Reply by Кирилл. /Тапок 28 2008


Dusttrust Sans. That's all i will say. Dusttrust Sans is my favorite.

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Reply by Kokabiel


Dream!swap Error and the original

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Reply by ☆ Luci ☆


Absolutely love Fresh, I think he's a funny guy but also I can't go wrong with Horror Sans. IDC if it's fanon or canon, I love him.

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Reply by Razz 🖍/ Ink 🎨 ‼️‼️


I LUVVVV FREZH, and alzo Ink!!!

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Reply by a1n4ra_xx


I love Error he is so cute, and my bf Dust :P

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Reply by krasnaya_voda


My favorite is Nightmare o(*°▽°*)o

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Reply by Dino! :]


my favourite is cross because he shares the same soul as chara who is my favourite ut character

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