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Favorite Sagas?

Hello, True and Honest Devotees of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu! Today, I bring you a question: What is your favorite Saga in the Chris Chan "lore"?

Mine is easily Liquid Chris! What about you?

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Reply by Goof


I have to agree, the Liquid Chris saga was so undeniably good. It was the smartest way to get Chris to really be faced with everything wrong with them. plus, liquid was just an amazing troll in general. everyone was so sloppy like "Here Chris! Another girl for you to fall in love with! Time to make you look like an ass!" Which got old.

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Reply by ✮BUDDY✮


I also really like the liquid chris saga, probably because i feel like hes one of the trolls that did the least amount of damage. Like yeah, cwc is awful, good thing shes in jail and all, but sometimes these trolls were just awful. while most trolls were trolls because they wanted to troll cwc, liquid was a troll because he wanted to do silly videos for his friends. Nothing evil like the others. Plus liquid is pretty cool, isnt he a doctor now? its insane to think about. 

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Reply by ChristopherSuperSonic


Liquid Chris is the best troll in internet history it’s amazing how well his act was!!

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Reply by cain


the liquid chris saga is an obvious fav and definitely the least.. problematic out of all of them i think. buuut. quite the asperchu saga fan i cannot lie.

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