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I’m a teen and submitting my first 2 weeks noticed tomorrow and i’m terrfied

If you have experience in quitting a job is it normal to feel this worried, and are the two weeks after as bad as i think they’ll be?

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


If they mistreat you on the next shift for putting in your two week notice, give them an “effective immediately” notice in return and walk out. What are they going to do, fire you?

If it ever comes up in an interview, explain they became hostile and vindictive when you said you were leaving. The worst thing that could happen from that is you only get calls back from decent employers.

All that said, most employers are cool about it and will go about business as usual. People come and go, it’s just how it works

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Reply by uoɟ∀


I actually handed in my first 2 weeks about a month ago - I have worked before then but that one I walked out of on the spot, thats another story.

At the end of the day remember you dont owe your employer anything outside of the law - youre just selling your time to them and your notifying them you will no longer sell your time to them.  Most will just go "oh okay wish you luck" and let you carry on with your job for 2 weeks.  Sometimes they might just not schedule you after your employment date - and if youre contracted then make sure they pay you for that 2 weeks (most often its taken out of your holiday pay.)

Managers go through people handing in notices and leaving all the time, especially in most first jobs with a high turnover, so dont stress it too much.  Just make sure you make note of any mistreatment just in case things start going wrong (which they probably wont) :)

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