Homestuck isn't a book, it's a story on the internet but this forum is the only place where it would really fit. What do you guys think about Homestuck?
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Thoughts On Homestuck
39 Replies

Reply by spork
homestuck ruined my love live, my friendships, my brain and how i look at buckets
Reply by Eridanium
Reply by SUMAN SUMAN!!🎀
Reply by CringeMeister
I think the concept and storytelling is good but eventually the actual material gets really convoluted sadly and hard to understand because Hussie tends to add extra info that isn't needed/makes things worse. Reading through it as an adult had me groaning everytime a conversation or page went on longer than it needed to with random stuff that didn't add anything for the characters or plot BUT. All things considered i love homestuck and the idea of it and the overall stroyline.
Reply by r4v3n 🐜
i dont have any specific thoughts on homestuck because literally all my thoughts are about homestuck
my name is literally meulin
Reply by !! RA-11 !!
good story , hussey had NO idea what he was doing sometimes and i think it shows ;w;
regardless it was popular for a reason , p good :33
Reply by shirin
it's interesting in a good way
i think it just suits people who like stuff to do with timelines, space and i guess gay people lmao
Reply by xX_3xt3rm1n888888
i lovwe homestuck and hate it at the same time. vwhenenvwer i talk about it to people i feel like a fucked up deep sea creature.
Reply by Gradbear
Reply by ☆2OLLUX☆
Reply by Rhyme
I started reading it this year and am only at page 3800 so far, but I've been really enjoying it so far! I've never read anything quite like it, I love the way it uses music and animation and video game segments, it feels experimental in a way, and I've gotten really invested in basically every character (i hadn't quite realized how invested i was until a bunch of them started dying recently)
I really want to read it all the way to the end, but it'll probably take a while since I keep getting distracted
EDIT: Oh but the time travel is really hard for me to keep track of. There's been some cool stuff done with it but it's pretty confusing!!
Reply by _stjimmy_
Reply by Sylph
Homestuck Cascaded Into My Awareness As A System And Has Caused Immeasurable Pain And Joy In My Life, 9/10
Reply by koraichu
Reply by ✿moths.asleep✿
Coming from someone who read the entirety of Homestuck during the peak of C0vid, (I began in late march and finished my first reading of it in May) I honestly thought it was pretty cool. Even after my fixation on it, I can still appreciate a lot about it (as well as my little nitpicks or criticisms on it)
The art is still so fun, I love looking at random panels or scenes
Reply by jaiki
homestuck is why im on here but im only on act 5 act 2 and dont remember the troll names tbh and i would finish it in a week if i wasnt so tired bc the chat logs are so long T-T
Reply by Fatebook
Reply by Adam
Reply by dd
hoemstuck ..... 413/10 for sure but i didnt like how half the characterz were kiddy diddlers cause what does that even add to the story???
Reply by CoolCritter!!1
Reply by Dexter
i had a huggeeeee phase around homestuck n was gon be rlly dedicated into the cosplayin n other stuff b4 i kinda fell out of it a bit -_- but its grown on me a lot again :3 the comic itself was realllyyy worried n confusin at times buttt oh wellllll >_0 it ws super enjoyable n i love the characters n their past current n future selves hehe. timeline is sooo strange but fun
Reply by Mars!!
I dont like how they randomly all turned problematic in like everything past page 6000 but disregarding that its fine
Reply by AshenBlade
I like the OG story, not a fan of beyond cannon so I don't read it and haven't been keeping up with it.
Ruined my life and now I have 2 introjects in my system (both HEAVILY headcannoned) soooo
Reply by Seaw4tt
Reply by MotusLupus
of course, this is not about the comic itself, but about its fandom. If it wasn't for the homestuck fandom, I would never have realized how strange and toxic people can be.
Reply by MotusLupus
and I think that the Homestuck can be officially recognized as one of the greatest web works in the history of the Internet. It's literally a comic that brought a lot of people together. and although there are obvious disadvantages in the form of too long dialogues (I consider this a disadvantage, because if some dialogues were shortened and all interesting turns of speech and sophisticated words were removed from them, then the reader would not lose anything) and a large number of undisclosed characters, and any others, it is still epic and interesting story
Reply by mitosis
Ruined my life and entire existence and made me miserbale. 10/10 would recommend
Reply by jaiden :3
Reply by enegydrink
Reply by YRINATE
homestuck has ruined everything i live for i cant escape this fandom no matter how hard i try ( i love it )
Reply by logfart
Reply by SOLARA
Reply by arsenicCatnip
Reply by condemnedThaumaturge
Just finished a reread about a week ago, still holds up pretty well today. The main cast are almost always very entertaining and overall it was a very enjoyable story (Roxy obvs the best character tho).
Reply by koolcat
Reply by DivOmega
even tho its on a now defunct flash usage and the fact that i got to it too late :o:, i think it was pretty interesting and the fans are, "interesting" aswell. but i dont mind really. i plan on reading the UNOFFICAL homestuck collection and seeing the cool flash animations!
12/10 series
Reply by Cronus <3<
Reply by simon
I read most of Homestuck in 2020-2021, from what I remember it was good, capitvating, but story wise its all over the place LMFAO. Still love it lots tho, genuienly life changing
Reply by apollonianTears