posted 1647180852
Forum: Deranged SpaceHey Gamers Group
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wich is beather???
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posted 1647459233
obviously it's the pee esse triplle
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posted 1647459993
posted 1664901155
xbox 360 ftw! why?
1. the ps3 has only 256mb of ram while the xbox 360 has 512mb of ram
2. the ps3 hasnt sold as many copies as the ps2
3. chris chan has the ps3 and thats why i hate the ps3
posted 1670270571
I like the ps3 more never been an xbox perosn
posted 1681108590
they both have games haha
posted 1700784562
ps3 only cause I had it and hold a extreme bias
posted 1720972499
Xbox 360! Better games, better ui, and the store, while it's up, is still more friendly
posted 1723099085
ps3, it had fatal frame ヽ(͡✿◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ(✿ ♡‿♡)