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Ghoul World Order's First Spacehey Survey!

Ghoul World Order's First Spacehey Survey!

So, we decided to do our first Spacehey survey. Here it goes.

1. Have you ever seen a ghost?

2. Have you ever met a horror celebrity?

3. Do you call it pop or soda?

4. Have you ever celebrated Dia De Los Muertos?

5. Have you ever drank Iron City Beer?

6. Have you ever seen a goth chick get outraged whrn somebody brags that they're hotter than Peter Steele?

7. Have you ever been in a backyard wrestling match? 

8. Have you ever been to the Monroeville Mall in Monroeville, Pennsylvania?

9. Have you ever been to Evans City, Pennsylvania?

10. Have you ever tried using your boot as a bong?

11. Have you ever appeared in a movie?

12. Do you collect VHS 📼?

13. 📼 or 📀?

14. Have you ever used a CB radio? 

15. Have you ever watched the original Suspiria while intoxicated? 

16. Have you ever been in a back alley fight over a pair of sunglasses?

17. Have you ever been schooled on kidney stones?

18. Have you ever met a porn star?

Well, there yinz have it. Ghoul World Order's first Spacehey survey. If you have done more than five of these things, we corrupted you!

~Buzz Killer, Talking Zombie From Western Pennsylvania

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3 Replies

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Reply by Jade Harley


1. Yes

2. No

3. Soda

4. No

5. No

6. No?

7. Yes

8. No

9. No

10. No?

11. No

12. No

13. CD

14. Probably 

15. no 

16. no

17. no

18. i don't think so

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Reply by skai:)


1. maybe

2. never

3. pop

4. not really

5. nope

6. never

7. yes

8. no

9. no 

10. no but i should

11. no

12. no but i collect dvds

13. cd

14. probably

15. no

16. yes but not in an ally

17. yes

18. no, but on my bucketlist

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Reply by ≈ MiDNiGHT WHiSPeRS ≈


1. Have you ever seen a ghost? No but felt it’s presence

2. Have you ever met a horror celebrity? I wish

3. Do you call it pop or soda? Both

4. Have you ever celebrated Dia De Los Muertos? No

5. Have you ever drank Iron City Beer? Ew I hate beer

6. Have you ever seen a goth chick get outraged whrn somebody brags that they're hotter than Peter Steele? Lol no

7. Have you ever been in a backyard wrestling match? No

8. Have you ever been to the Monroeville Mall in Monroeville, Pennsylvania? No

9. Have you ever been to Evans City, Pennsylvania? No

10. Have you ever tried using your boot as a bong? I don’t toke

11. Have you ever appeared in a movie? No

12. Do you collect VHS 📼? I’d like to

13. 📼 or 📀? Both

14. Have you ever used a CB radio? Yes

15. Have you ever watched the original Suspiria while intoxicated? No

16. Have you ever been in a back alley fight over a pair of sunglasses? Lol I’d like to see this

17. Have you ever been schooled on kidney stones? Oh my Grandpa had them, no fun

18. Have you ever met a porn star? No lol

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