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I first like to define terms my definition is based mostly on the ethical and philosophy views. 

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of non-human animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from other animals."

The way I look at it is that those that can stand up for the voiceless should, those that don't need to eat other living creatures for survival to clarify. For the overwhelming majority of us this is the case. 

There is so much that affects the animal agriculture industry and it's surrounded in sadness and packaged as normal. We know how to feed our body food that isn't compiled in rape, slavery, torture, and Death, some people got an excuse for everything, but the one thing I know is we are all stardust. Just one and the same. We're no different than any other animal. Some animals are obligated to eat each other by no fault of their own due to needing to survive. We are not in this time and society those that need to. ( With some exceptions )

We all experience suffering and death the same. If we don't extend our caring beyond other humans or maybe the pets of choice, we are practicing Speciesism, plain and simple.  Saying we are about other living things and hence applying to the Fallacy of might makes right. 

I feel like veganism Honestly stands for all freedom and is the strongest umbrella term that covers all living creatures. 

speciesism, in applied ethics and the philosophy of animal rights, the practice of treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species usually due to exploitation; also, the belief that this practice is justified. The notion has been variously formulated in terms of the interests, rights, and personhood of humans and animals ( which are the same thing)and in terms of the supposed moral relevance of species membership. The term is exactly analogous to racism, sexism, and other forms of irrational discrimination and prejudice.

Those are just the basic reasons regarding ethics of why I follow the vegan philosophy. 

The second part is the health, and over world benefits.  Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction:
“We are losing species of life as well as ecosystems on Earth at an unprecedented and alarming rate. With estimates of 45% of all the landmass on Earth used by animal agriculture and 1 to 2 trillion fish extracted from our oceans each year (by fishing methods such as trawling, purse seine, long lines, explosives, and other techniques that are damaging ecosystems)—eating animals (fishing and livestock production) is the largest contributing factor in habitat loss and constitutes the second-largest sector implicated in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions which lead to climate change.” Those should play a big role in how people perceive going vegan. 

If you want a bit more history of veganism and the meaning check out my blog:

The main take away is that Vegas are not just considering the eating of  other animals it's a philosophical framework to treat all life with respect and acknowledgement that I don't need to kill or pay for animals to be killed for me. We understand that by simple nature of existence we can't get rig of all suffering and even a vegan lifestyle carriers some animal death and there never a perfect option but by using logic and science ( I speak for my now) weigh the options and do what's best to limit suffering to furthermost ability that I have. 

Sorry ik that was alot .

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Reply by OsbornTyler7


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Reply by Austin_KornClown7


Sorry that's you, you fucking dumb ass uneducated, pile of human garbage. 

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