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Change the font color in the top navigation bar? [closed]

Hi, Coding Experts!  

I have the background I like on my profile, but the white font of the top navigation bar links make them almost invisible.   The rest of the text on my profile is in dark green, but nothing I do seems to affect those links.  What should I do?

A Coding Amateur  

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3 Replies

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Reply by Utility


Hello :)

To change the text color of the navigation bar, all you have to do is:

nav .links {
   color: red;

And replace red with your color of choice :)
Hope this helps!

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Reply by Jerry & Herbie



Thanks, for the helpful reply Utility!  It worked!

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Jerry & Herbie closed this Forum Topic

Reply by DakotaHanton


To change the font color in the top navigation bar, locate the CSS style sheet of your website and identify the specific class or ID associated with the navigation bar. Within the CSS code, modify the color property to your desired color code or name. For example, if you want to change it to red, use color red. After saving the changes, the font color in the top navigation bar will be updated accordingly. If you encounter any issues during this process, don't hesitate to contact the edf customer service number for assistance.

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