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Hobbies and Rituals

Y'all got em?
When I say rituals, I mean anything uncommon you do on a regular basis that doesn't involve the skill of a typical hobby. Those are interesting too.

It's a nice thing for your mental health to have that tiny little dedication that keeps you going. Doesn't matter what the end goal is, as long as it's something you like doing.

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Reply by pink_9320


It's hard sticking to a hobby, I used to constantly gain and drop hobbies because I didn't have the attention span or intellectual interest in them.

Recently though, I've been learning guitar. It's not much, but it feels nice to practice and steadily improve at. Hopefully I get around to studying music in better detail.

Also I used to collect Monster cans, but I don't really have interest in progressing that any further than I already have.

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Reply by Kryppl


I struggle to form new habits or maintain hobbies too. The only thing I've done consistently is listening to music almost daily. Just lock myself in my room and blast it.

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Reply by pink_9320


Tbh I spend too much of my time just sitting around because I forget what I could be doing with my time. When I had it fixed into my routine at one point, I used to be able to binge at least 4 albums a day, but my routine just doesn't really exist when I'm not going to college now.

But yeah, somehow I didn't mention that listening to music is probably the hobby I've poured the most time into recently.

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Reply by Isabellathegreat56


I don't know if this counts but I have this thing where I come home from school, play on my vr, eat food, eat again, go upstairs and put on headphones and listen to music for hours. (I need to dance in front of my mirror and fake conversations).

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Reply by Xx_dani_angel_xX


i wake up

make my breakfast

and listen to music on my swing under the tree,eating my breakfast.

at least thats one thing i remember i HAVE to do every day..

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Reply by xX_r4y_d3c4y_Xx


i dont really have any rituals like that but i do have to keep exact times of when i do things when i get ready for school in the morning

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Reply by Rose Anthoney


I need my coffee with salt, sugar and cream, preferably with Saffron. 

Then, I am constantly cycling through interests. I have to draw and/or game to regulate myself. I also have a lot of little vocal stims I never realised were even occurring, like singing the songs stuck in my head, repeating memes, popping, trilling and humming along with tones, like a microwave or fan. I also have to engage in postural exercise and constant stretching to compensate for the connective tissue issue. My mum was amazing at sneakily teaching me how to hold myself together. 

But my daily routine looks like this: 

Wake up around 6pm, have coffee and a cig. Game a lil to help wake up and/or chill with the manfellow before he goes to bed. 

Around 10-11, I go to work. I either man the hotel or I spend the night gaming or generating content like art or written word. I may spend some time doing life maintenance, which my PDA avoids like a plague more virulent than the recent pandemic, and I remember to celebrate every little thing I do in that regard, each task requiring multi-step systems to fulfill. 

I may nap for a couple hours, but for the most part I just stay awake through the night. In the morning, I see the manfellow off to work, and I have my bedtime cup of coffee(without Saffron) or tea. (Of which, I cycle out different herbs and junk to supply what's necessary to repair any damage from the gravity of the day and get stronger. Burnout was a bi-) 

I'll make sure I get a hefty amount of protein, multichain fats and salt throughout my night. Then by about 10-noon, I head off to dreamland. 

I operate best on a delayed sleep phase of polyphasic sleep, so the only way I can keep a traditional job is working graves or limiting my hours to 4-6hr shifts at a time. 

There are systems for everything, and I'm refining my methods every day. :)

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Reply by AlterEgo


I don't know if it's odd because a lot of people do it but I really got into running. Like I was seriously depressed and fat and I was just like well, f this, and started running a lot. At first I couldn't even run one lap around a track without dying, but now I'm running a marathon in October.

I have ADHD as well, so it's hard for me to focus on anything mental, and I have what I would consider at least moderate social anxiety so doing things with others is right out. But running... idk... it just requires determination mostly and you're in your own head. It's been great for me.

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