posted 1646243723
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posted 1649916892
Animal Crossing, and pokemon snap
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posted 1651518147
Super Smash Bros. 64!!! or the hack Smash Remix!! i love netplaying them, add/dm hi!!! i am up 4 games n may help with setup 2!!
posted 1674088300 updated 1674088338
DOOM 64 is my fa
posted 1677553386
-Majora’s mask
-Mario 64 (cant NOT include it)
-Ditty Kong Racing
-Banjo tooie
BTW: whoever said animal crossing is either forgetting that was actually GameCube or is talking abt animal forest lolz
posted 1689890573
posted 1693273880 updated 1693273985
My list would have to be.
1. Super Mario 64
2. Mario Kart 64
3. Diddy Kong Racing
4. Mario Party 3
5. legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
6. Super Smash Bros.
7. Spider-Man
8. Pokemon Snap
9. Conker's Bad Fur Day
10. South Park Rally
posted 1695903449 updated 1695903537
Ive only played N64 games that ported to other devices eg the DS or the 3DS as i wasnt born in the N64 era/release
posted 1706559068
Paper Mario, TLOZ Majora´s mask, TLOZ Ocarina of time and Banjo Tooie.
posted 1710589736
I've played:- Mario Party 1- Mario Party 2- Mario kart 64