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Spotify music player to profile!

Found this gem for adding your spotify playlist to the site!  I put my playlist in my music category on my profile.

I noticed it only gives small snippets of songs though... but it's something for now! 
Hope this helps a little for all you creative lovelies out there!

~Blessed Be~

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7 Replies

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Reply by vanessa


how do you add different songs from different artists? do you change the "album" to "track" when pasting the song urls? 

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Reply by Frankie


thank you, this helped me alot; if youve got an account on spotify it will play the entire song , that goes for you as the playlist poster, and your friends who come to your profile ! 
also , if anyone knows the answer to this it would be great
so if i edit the playlist in my spotify app, do i need to embed the playlist all over again ? or will it update along with the original playlist ? 

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Reply by El_Don_05


Added under the Music section at the end. It'll show up under Interest, above General. 

<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/0E3HnGJSMplqBSYGsh2exH?utm_source=generator&theme=0" width="100%" height="80" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture"></iframe>

Having said that... Anyway to make this autoplay?

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Reply by kate ♡


for me it worked when i went to my spotify pirate played and clicked share. then it said copy as embed and just copied and pasted lol

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Reply by PortalGang


Hey. Just started… trying to figure out how to autoplay my stuff (youtube or Spotify) and maybe even hide the player if possible? 

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Reply by Sophia


Reply by Spotify Info


Add a Spotify music player to your profile for an enhanced listening experience! For a more customized and ad-free option, check out Spotify Vanced APK.

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