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Long Storytime(I Met a fake Alt at the Mall) Small TW

Posted by Lukas K.


Forum: Friends


Ok so i decided to take a night trip to the mall on Saturday and break into our local Hot Topic(As the 18 yr old Scemo me should) so there was this girl at the mall who had on a "Bring Me The Horizon" shirt on, also she had her hair styled and basically had the whole alternative dress shabang and me being the Scemo i am i decided"OMG one of me i must conversation!" lol. Butttt twist here..umm...she was one of "THOSE" shall we say..meaning those who claim or be Alt simply because they think its a "trend" or a "TikTok thing" etc. Now keep in mind personally i dont really care about that. It did bug me a little but in my head i was like"Ok..maybe i can just show her some bands or..maybe shes JUST now getting into it and hasn't branched that out yet or is shy which is completly fine. You dont need the haircut or skinny jeans to fit into a subculture just as long as u enjoy it! haha. Tho the style is common or kinda the "Image" of Emo/Scene, just do with what ya got lol. Stay Loved! But anyway back to the story i went up to her and said hi and she greeted me with a loud RAWR that screamed through the indoor mall. In my head i was thinking"What was i SAYING?! This girl can definitely get all my Hot Topic merch id RAWRXD all day to her lmao". Wanting to keep the convo going i said "Ah nice shirt".....then she responds with...."Yes BMTH is my favorite dubstep band"...what?..LMAO. I was so confused like"uhhh huh?" But then i remembered what i said earlier and was thinking "ok maybe shes only heard "Thats The Spirit" and hasnt gotten far yet" cause when people bring up BMTH they usually bring up TTS first album hands down. So i gave her some slack and ignored it. I corrected her in a nice way and we laughed. I then got a nice idea and tore out a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote down some bands for her to check out just to be nice and she can be more educated and maybe branch out more as i can relate to being shy at first and exploring genres out of your comfort zone. Wanting to keep the convo going  asked "What made u intrested in the Alt culture?" She THEN responds with"Im not i just do it for TikTok Veiws,i started 3 months ago, Im the popular girl in school"...ok..now heres where i kinda got upset. Also..you see how she said Oh im not Emo/Scene"Im the popular girl in school"...ummm?what u tryna say there? Keep in mind please dress/act/be who/however u want and i can defiantly understand if its a character for social media things like Youtube etc case u built that platform from the character..BUT pls make sure your not COMPLETELY a lie tho. Cause then whatever u say or do may reflect someone as a whole(more on this in a bit) or not being genuine to ur fans. So anyway i proceeded to ask her ok well bands Do you like and she responds with "Blood on the Dance Floor"....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiis we gotta live one lmao. I then started to explain all the controversies and..."certain people" etc etc surrounding "one of the members". She says"Who cares it was long ago and he's not doing it anymore their not a thing now"..again..whot? I started to scold her about that cause that was a bit insensitive. In short me and her got into a long argument about it and i decided to be better and walked off. A hour passes and i see that same girl being crowded and complimenting people for her appearance saying"OMG are u Emo? or "your soo cool","I wanna dress like you" "i wanna be a alt" or just people who werent with it but loved her for her look. In my mind i was thinking "little do they know". Then the girl said something that COMPLETELY SHOCKED ME!One person asked her"How long have u been emo?" This girl responds with"Four Years,ive been to many concerts and im a Scene Influencer on TikTok"..now i know DANG WELL-she didnt just-bruh! lmao.  One person started asking her "what is alt culture and why do people do it" The person asking was a grown woman with 2 early middle schooler kids mind you. The answer this girl gave was "Because i was depressed, People with depression and who are S3U1c1dal become Emo/Scene kids"..OK..this turned me sick to my stomach. Not ONLY are u pretending to be something your not for publicity or fame but your trying to give stereotypical/false information on something you know nothing about! Like i could visibly see the moms face turning into disgust. This girl then proceeds to say"I wanted a place for understanding, I get bullied in school and etc etc and im so depressed etc and its been so hard for me,i get picked on for how i look".  OK..she said she was the popular girl in school? Thats when i realized if not obvious she was lying out of her teeth. The grown mother then looked sorry for the girl and said "Well my kids wanna join in this little thing, with the music and the look, and I wanna support them in whatever makes them happy" ok first off W MOM! MOM OF THE YEAR like FACTS!! She asks the girl what can my daughters do to be like you? The girl responds with"Dont let them! If they do they'll S3lf H4rm dont let them be like me! I dont want anyone to feel alone like me! Life is hard for me thats why im this way!". Keep in mind shes making a whole scene of this in the mall and people are staring at her and talking. Yo i rushed over there SOO fast! I walked up to her and made SURE she saw me walking up. I then said"Hey your Alt right?" "Name some of your fav bands then liar!" Now people are starting to stare at both of us but aye who cares, more people see the merrier. She starts to panic (im guessing cause she remembered me). She then starts to list bands. I was confused because i wondered how did she know all these bands if she's not even alt? I then saw a crumpled up piece of paper hiding in her hand. Of course as u guessed it was the list of bands i gave her... I explained to everyone what happened and how she is faking and doing this for attention(Please keep in mind yes i know i probably should have waited for a quieter, alone time to do this and not make a bigger scene but at this point she is giving everyone there a bad rep to people of the alt community/faking mental illnesses/and trying to convince those girls mom of not letting them be alt and letting them be happy over...Bruh thats the thing i dont even KNOW what over?! Like what do u GAIN from this?! What do u gain from doing this? God i hate people who think being Alternative or dresses "becomes" Alternative just because they think its "a trend" or "will get them attention". Like i met this one dude who literally said he was emo,long hair,piercings,light makeup(eyeliner,foundation and thats it) and dressed that way just to get girls and to have sex with girls "easier" or at all. like that is SICK! Also while we on that subject PLEASE. STOP. FETISHISING/SEXUALLIZING. ALTERNATIVE. PEOPLE. Like am i the only alt that gets uncomfortable with that? Its weird and honestly gross. It dosent even make sense! Cause uhhhh can anyone PLEASE tell me WHERE were all these girls hounding me cause i was emo at during Middle/High School or did i miss a step? hahaha lmao. Anyway long story short she kept swearing that she was Scene(at this point ACTUAL Emo/Scene teens/adults were seeing this and giving me thumbs ups and waves and cheering me on like im a new war hero that just came back from WWIII(while some were also shaking their heads in pity of this girl). She then decided to pull the only Scene subculture thing she could pull out of her ass and said"See i dont listen to all that im Scene i listen to crunkcore" Uh Emos and Scenes can cross listen? But anyway. I then decided to end her whole carrer by asking her one.simple.question......"What is BC13?'...huh? what what? aint got nothin to say lol "What does Bree Bree mean huh?" "What Dos The Curves of Dots?" "Are you a Millionare?". You can see how that ended lmao. Anyway my name is Lukas and this is my Ted Talk

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10 Replies

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Reply by Suburban Guy


Reply by Lukas K.


not cool....this is not ok

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Reply by b


no chance this is real,, LOL

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Reply by Lukas K.


Reply by niyaa<333


Are the Millionaires scenecore? I listen to them casually and I didn't know they had that aesthetic lol

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Reply by Nova Cynosa


i hate posers like this and that tx2 guy on tiktok. they give alt ppl a bad name. 

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Reply by S@MU@L_



I hate these types of people. Major pick mes.

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Reply by Sally_SeveranceXX


WHAT THE EFFF!! Thats just rude 0-0

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Reply by Sally_SeveranceXX


WHAT THE EFFF!! Thats just rude 0-0

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Reply by Sally_SeveranceXX


WHAT THE EFFF!! Thats just rude 0-0

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