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Scene Fashion Question

hey! ive been trying to get more into the og scene fashion style, does anybody have any pointers, tips, places to buy, or just good ideas? i do not have a lot of experience there, and would really like to know! any help is welcome :) 

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Reply by Suburban Guy


Look into the neon color palette for outfits and overall themes. Skinny jeans are the way. Band shirts/regular tees in different colors work, make sure to show off your pyramid studded belt. Buy studded belts in different colors, e.g. checkered studded belts. Wear skater shoes like Vans. Have hair you know what i found this... 


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Reply by xXm0NZT3rXx


thank you very very much!!

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Reply by Brooklynn


layers are always good, if you want to really go og you can always look into fingerless gloves or fishnet gloves, accessories are essential too(like those rubber bracelets), that's all i got for now lol

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Reply by $YD


A staple in my friend group was buying all sorts of bright + patterned knee length socks and once you finally wore them out just cutting the foot part off and turning them into arm warmers (usually with thumb holes lol)

A lot of scene fashion was modifying stuff to give it a new look!

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Reply by vic_zombi3


if ur comfortable, clothes that r more tight help a lot. skinny jeans, smaller sized shirts, etc! i used to wear rlly baggy shirts but i realized that smaller shirts that r more my size work a lot better when trying to get the 2000s look :) of course, do whatever u want, let urself experiment with what u like and get unique!! inspo is also very gud, i would recommend pinterest for outfit inspo

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Reply by xXsparkl3kandizXx


