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Essay and research paper examples for students

Posted by Angela Devidson


Forum: School, College, University

My name is Angela Devison.
I was born and live in San Benito, Texas. I graduated from the
University of Chicago last year.
I am engaged in writing, copywriting, design and have 5+ years of
experience in the industry, writing for various print and online media.
Now I'm working as a copywriter for a database of essay and research
paper examples on our website https://nerdyseal.com/, which helps students
write term papers, essays, etc.

Right now I'm working with the topics section of
https://nerdyseal.com/topics/, where I'm collecting sample topics by
criteria for target audiences (students, teachers) on topics such as
music, fashion, and general news etc.
I believe that we are doing a bright thing and helping future graduates
to study the topic in more depth and on which they are writing their

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1 Reply

Reply by Luсio


Oh, that's very helpful information!

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