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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Discussion

Posted by pink_9320


Forum: Pokemon Group

So, what are your thoughts on the trailer?

Personally I think it's quite a shock that they're pushing to release the next Generation of Pokemon so shortly after Legends. But I have hope for the game; while the framerates are admittedly worse than ever and there's no telling if they'll keep up the more permissive design of the game's story that they used for Legends, both graphically and stylistically this is easily the best looking Pokemon game besides the Snap remake, the animations have the most personality we've ever seen in the mainline since the transition to 3D with XY, and the fact this is already being billed as a fully open-world Pokemon game is incredibly exciting on its own; in my opinion the transition to this form of gameplay is what the series has needed for a long time and what proved in SwSh and Legends to be one of the best design choices that GAMEFREAK has ever made.

Or you could just talk about which starter you're picking, that'd be cool too.
Duck gang!

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Reply by Miscellanity


To be fair its been 3 years since SWSH came out. They tend to release the next gen every 3/4 years. I do agree that it feels weird since Arceus barely came out last month. First it was BDSP being overshadowed by Arceus, now Arceus is most likely going to be overshowed by ScarVio. Personally I'm leaning towards Violet. I hate the color red and it's close to my late grandma's favorite color being purple. The starters seem wierd/off-brand, but probably over time they'll grow on me. Idk who I'm choose, but hopefully the plushie keychain from the center happens so I'll decide then.

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Reply by pink_9320


True, it doesn't really feel like it's been that long because SwSh had DLC as well which occupied the mainline development of 2019, so 2020 was the only silent year.
A plushie keychain is a pretty interesting way to decide a starter lmao, but I respect it!

Sorry about your grandma, it is nice that you can have a personal link to the games in that way though, I guess. Personally I'm sticking with Violet because they chose an ugly shade of red for Scarlet.
Assuming I even get the games, because that would require me to repair my Nintendo Switch which has been broken for almost 2 years.

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Reply by pink_9320


Damn, I forgot that removing the gyms was even an established option for GAMEFREAK. Personally I doubt we'll see them go, they're a tried-and-true format that keeps a constant steady flow in the region's design. Not to mention, I don't think removing them was the most popular idea when they did do that (not to say trials were disliked in Sun and Moon, they just were less popular than the gym system).
The gyms are probably key when it comes to them designing things behind the scenes, without them it becomes much harder to checklist things and chop up the flow of the game so they can control the pacing.

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Reply by lillipupzilla


I think with these games getting bigger and more complicated every Gen they should slow down a bit. I love Pokémon so I always want it to be good instead of rushed!

The SV gameplay looks good but I do prefer SWSH's more cartoony art style.

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