So, what are your thoughts on the trailer?
Personally I think it's quite a shock that they're pushing to release the next Generation of Pokemon so shortly after Legends. But I have hope for the game; while the framerates are admittedly worse than ever and there's no telling if they'll keep up the more permissive design of the game's story that they used for Legends, both graphically and stylistically this is easily the best looking Pokemon game besides the Snap remake, the animations have the most personality we've ever seen in the mainline since the transition to 3D with XY, and the fact this is already being billed as a fully open-world Pokemon game is incredibly exciting on its own; in my opinion the transition to this form of gameplay is what the series has needed for a long time and what proved in SwSh and Legends to be one of the best design choices that GAMEFREAK has ever made.
Or you could just talk about which starter you're picking, that'd be cool too.
Duck gang!