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Dear An: SpaceHey's Future and Potential?

Posted by seam


Forum: SpaceHey

Hi An, and all y'all who choose to read this,

First of all, thanks for making a cool project like this.

As SpaceHey continues to grow, what are ways that an up-and-coming social media platform could mindfully design and enable a more ethical user experience? How can we choose to design for good?  While corporatized platforms like Facebook strive to drag users into addictive feedback loops, can SpaceHey intentionally foster a user interface and interaction with cues that aren't intended to drive addiction and shoot up and sustain those MAUs? 

I understand that this is a fan-made project intended for fun, but you have an opportunity here to create a space in which you can curate that balance and to pave an exploratory path for a healthy environment which others can follow. A space for friends, I think, should not have the intensely claustrophobic dopamine-driven design that is so invasively prevalent in our current cyberspace. That would be a toxic relationship. 

The avenue that SpaceHey provides for customization and user-specific tailoring is what I think is bringing a lot of people in, and I know that a lot of us appreciate that feeling of control and user agency. An open question: would allowing for more control in common spaces on the site be a benefit or a detriment to people inhabiting this platform? I believe that more control would be beneficial: for example, on the home page--what if we had the option to turn off the profile view count? What does that statistic actually do? I can see how it is cool data for the sake of data, but could it drive people to reflect that number upon their own self worth? However, I understand that it can be difficult to find a balance in offering customization and a chaotic interface, and may not be for everyone.

Would you want to avoid creating the surface level interactions like quick in and out interaction of 'double-tap and keep swiping' on Instagram? What potential is there for enabling addiction as you code the currently-in-development section of instant messaging? The potential power for a site that's pulling on nostalgic heartstrings echoing for a past in which we felt more genuine is substantial, and like Ben Parker quoted from somewhere, that great power comes with a great responsibility.  

Also, as a tangential thought addressed to us who are inhabiting this space that's being created: as 'users' of a site, what power do we have, and what is our "right" in use of a platform that's being created by another? Is it entitlement to ask for better design, even if we may not know exactly what that is?

Perhaps I'm just rejecting the thought of being told what's good for me as a user. After all, there is an inherent conflict of interest between the well-being of a user and the stakeholders who profit from social platforms. When Twitter or Instagram decide to develop a new feature, they're not just doing it for fun --  it's a carefully measured investment to intensify our addiction or push product. (For example, this can be seen in Instagram’s recent disastrous rearrangement of categories, replacing the upload button with the shopping or ‘reels’ tab.)

Anyway, as this is not, (hopefully, not yet), a space driven by a corporation, I am hopeful and grateful that there IS a space, and that I can still have the chance to personally address the designer. (Yes, I know, servers aren't growing on trees, and someone's got to keep the lights running.) In this, I am also glad to know that they are still a person, but it is true that a person's responsibility can only realistically extend so far. 

As SpaceHey gains the press it deserves, I naively hope that there aren't hyenas viewing it as the "next big thing" to capitalize upon and eventually bleed dry as just another cash resource. Sure, there is the option and response of "just stop using it if you don't like it", but keep in mind that the whole MO of modern social media is to keep you hooked as intensely as possible. Also, who enjoys the pain of loneliness? Someone made a site, I'm here, I'm talking. I like having friends, (or at least the perception of friends....oof.) Despite my rant, I'm excited and quite pleased at the possibilities in reclaiming the internet. As An rolls out this forum feature, and maybe we can have a classic and healthy discussion--with productive debating!

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48 Replies

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Reply by Autumn


I hope An turns the view counter and kudos system off, they're rly all i dislike about the site in its current state

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Reply by Jinnicide


I hope there is never an app, and I hope the website itself SUCKS on mobile, because you weren't really supposed to ever see it (myspace) on your phone to begin with haha. I say keep it desktop browser oriented, and if you implement ads, they can only be from active, individual users...not big brands.

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Reply by Noah Quinn


I agree with the other commenters that it should stay a desktop only experience and that I'm not really a fan of the kudos system and view counter

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Reply by k.e_doublehockeysticks


Desktop preferred as well!  I hope you can like/reply on content though. Would also love as little politics sharing as possible. That is really what has become draining on other sites/was not present much on O.G. Myspace.

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really important conversation to have! thx for asking these questions!
i also wonder what the point of the pageviews is... personally i dont mind "likes" or "kudos" even tho it's not as good as really getting solid feedback from ppl. sometimes folks dont have much to say but still wanna support.

im looking forward 2 growth on this site tho, it's exciting to see how many ppl want to come together and have a simpler or more authentic connection. i feel like most of the ppl here have that mentality of nostalgia for the old web and its rly refreshing to get to see how popular the frustration w modern social media is.

keep it real! x

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Reply by Chinyoka


I think "likes" or "upvotes" or whatever you want to call that kind of system is one of the things that ruined social media. I'd prefer if we don't have anything like that.

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I have super high hopes for this website! It's so promising but if they want longevity, they'll have to do more than give a nostalgic look. I think they should do what MySpace should have done if they were smart and give it a nice modern coat of paint. Essentially everything would be the same except just look a bit updated instead of this boxy, flat color layout of the entire site. Maybe a toggle to go back and fourth between retro and modern. Dark Mode would be super awesome too.

A lot of little features would be really cool too. I honestly have so many suggestions, but this site is in it's infancy so there's definitely time for everything. I'm going to wait until Messages are open and I'm going to message An my suggestions. I dunno if they'll respond, but I find it more appropriate to message them on their platform. I hope they accept suggestions and such. I have so many ideas but, I'm not a coder or anything (I wish!) I hope that doesn't discredit my idea.

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Reply by Cass


I would also REALLY love to get notifications when people reply to my comments on other people's pages and bulletins!

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Reply by electroslag


"an actual social network other than just for fun"

I hope that this place never becomes a lucrative avenue for big business. I hope influencers stay far far faaaar away from it. Our lives are so inundated with the insidious message of "buy buy buy" I just want a space where people aren't being influenced to buy things constantly.

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Reply by Brasco_OG


- New posts always on top
- A way to change the background without needing coding knowledge

- Notifications
- No app necessary.

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Reply by VivaFriends!


Reading some of the other comments, I agree in hoping that big businesses stay away from it, and that it might need to change its name if it wants to be taken as a social media site in its own right, rather than a novelty nostalgia project. I don’t hate the name, but it does inevitably restrain the reputation to being that of a MySpace replica. I disagree with most other commenters regarding the app though - I really hope there is an app - you don’t have to use it and I hope it doesn’t change the desktop version, but I really do think that we need an option for the people who need it. I also don’t mind the profile view count, or even the kudos system; I’ve used it once or twice. And I like being able to see how many people have seen my account, e.g. to see if anything I have done have drawn more people to my account. I understand if people do not want to see it though.

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Reply by 𝕭𝕬𝕯𝖒𝟎𝖓⚔️💿


this is kind of OT but posting here in case An reads the thread - it would be cool if we had an option to edit our bulletins. i've been having a lot of formatting issues with WYSIWYG editor, it never looks the same published vs. when i type it out in here. i end up having to delete and repost the bulletin several times to get the formatting right.

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Reply by 𝕰𝖓𝖎𝖉⚝


I personally love this project a lot! I think the eventual possible creation of an app  would be pretty cool. In fact myspace had mobile view, for people who connected via phones. I sure remember logging from a sidekick mobile browser and a blackberry too, granted mobile internet in the beginning was really bad lol. 

I like the kudos system, I do see a problem with it, I do believe however that people who don't fancy that feature should have the option of turning it off. 

What am I looking forward to? The ability to start groups. 

Side bar: does anyone know if buddypoke works here?

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Reply by Elohimless 🤘🇵🇷


Great post! 👍👊 I don't think this site will ever grow to a million active users (so it won't be come corporate) but unfortunately servers aren't free bills have to get paid (like you mentioned) so eventually will start seeing ads on here. . .As much as I hate it without an app a site this won't survive in today's social media landscape. . .I don't really have problem with "profile views" or "kudos" but I get what your saying. . .I hope this site never implements a "like" button or "stories". 

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Reply by Hankuken


I hope to continue to be a simple platform. Not like facebook or other.... Vip and other influencer... Stay away from it... And i hope it never be a lucrative site or something else....

And yeah i prefer the desktop version and simple layout like 2009... Not a new graphics not new effect... Just simple... Like the old myspace of 2007\2008\2009.....
;-) keep going An! <3

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Reply by Kitsune Mifune


This site is already better than the bloated mess that is Facebook, but I agree that some things should maybe go and some other things should be added/updated.

It's a lovely nostalgia trip to have the exact same layout as the old Myspace, but I'd rather the bulletins be ditched in favour of a proper chronological news feed.

Some more privacy options would be nice as well, like proper private lists for choosing who sees what (on Facebook people on custom friends lists can see who else is on a list, which completely negates the purpose of them).

I don't need to know who is online or offline either, nor do I need to know how many people viewed a profile, as both feel a little stalker-ish to me. The kudos system seems irrelevant and negative too. 

I love that this site is refreshingly straightforward, and the person who made it deserves all the praise for their hard work.

However, a little tweak here and there could make all the difference - the best bits of what Facebook used to offer within the cleanliness of the old Myspace layout could make this the best social media site available.

EDIT: I'd also not be upset to see the back of "Likes". Personally, I think they are destructive as it kills discussion, and it turns posting into a popularity game. If people like or dislike a post then they should say why with a written reply.

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Reply by J4YC33


Kudos on a blog post, and likes on *every little thing you do in life* are different enough that I think that's probably safe.

That said: Keep it browser-based, don't add any more liking/upvoting, DEFINITELY DON'T USE THE LIKES OR UPVOTES AS PART OF ANY ALGORITHM.

Knowing that people like something is OK. Feeling a boost of endorphins because you know that means more people will see it because of The Feedtm is less OK.

Keep the customizability, add photo galleries. (I know CDNs are pricey... I used to work for one of the biggest, but) It can be done if you do what the OG social networks did and limit the number of photos per user to 5-10. Let the galleries grow after that.

I think a lot of the way modern social media (and internet ethics in general) has failed is twofold: Users were unwilling to stand up and self-moderate (we didn't tell the corporations a biggo "NO" when they started invading our spaces), and the networks themselves were unwilling to moderate (they let the corporations come in, and didn't moderate content in the name of philosophy). If we can get back to a place where everyone cares enough to stand up, I think this can keep it going.

That said, I do miss galleries. I know OG Myspace had a bunch of customizable fields for the profile. We could maybe bring those back too.

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Reply by Zach Shaw


Nah yall wild I love the views and friend counter.

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Reply by Neil


This might be the ideal project that Chris Pavlovski and the Rumble team would get behind and support

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Reply by Alliboo


I’m enjoying reading all the positive feedback this site is getting. As far as the profile counter, I never took into consideration what it could do as far as causing anxiety about how popular you are. I definitely understand and agree that it should be taken away. The other social media platforms are very addictive and repetitive. Everyone is so worried about likes, views, etc. I’m tired of having stuff shoved in my face ALL the time. Plus the bullying! Omg is just freaking terrible now. We all get bullied at one point or another but dang. It seems pretty overwhelming at times . I get sick of looking at it. I actually took a leave of absence from all the major social media platforms. It would be nice for Spacehey to keep to its roots. Spacehey is kinda my safe haven right now. It’s more personal and promotes creativity. I love it here! The nostalgia

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Reply by Boogley


Hi, yes, I would also like for the profile view counter to go away. It's really disheartening seeing the amount of people that view my profile and don't actually want to be friends. Just reminds me of all my fake friends on facebook when I had an account. Everyone lurked but no one actually cared to talk or connect with me

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Reply by ☽ Lady Loki ☾


This site is amazing. The only real gripe i have is lack of compatibility with myspace's layouts. But I've been applying my coding knowledge to what i find lacking in other layouts and make something that works for my customization needs. :D 

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Reply by Farid


I agree with you

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Reply by NosyCat


I love that SpaceHey looks so good on mobile (didn't try to actually use it). Please don't chase mobile users away. But an app? Let's not become Tumblr 2.0 after only one year.

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Reply by davidrei


Off the top of my head, never include these features developed on social media that have become toxic detriments to our society:

the Like button (encourages inflammatory content)

the Share button (encourages virality)

counting Followers (encourages site to be taken over by viral celebrity and politico accounts)

the Newsfeed (you see only what we want you to see and addiction to endless scrolling)

Groups (coordinated inauthentic behavior)

ability to virally share screenshots of inflammatory Tweets: I don't know how to avoid this, maybe never allow photo posting or limit photos to tiny MySpace size (something like 604 pixels across and highly compressed)

private profiles: I'm on the fence on this. Myspace was at its best when you could see everyone's profiles. Like the web was meant to be originally. But eventually I made mine private.

Other toxic effects of social media: Clandestine collection of personal data, targeted ads, intrusive ads, customized user experience depending on where you are or who you are (different search results for different people)

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Reply by rai-rai


These are great ideas!

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Reply by Tina | infinitelyLovesick


This may be controversial but I think they should add a IM bar at the bottom of the screen so people can chat while browsing profiles. An app wouldn't be so bad if they keep it to how Facebook worked in the 2010's, with messaging integrated in the app, and not separate. I wouldn't mind seeing a site-wide layout editor where we can choose the colors of the site from nav bar and footer, to uploading a background to the site, etc. Profile CSS editing should be in its own box or under a "edit CSS/layout" where you get to see your edits happen in real time so you don't have to keep your profile open in another tab. 

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Reply by Tina | infinitelyLovesick


This may be controversial but I think they should add a IM bar at the bottom of the screen so people can chat while browsing profiles. An app wouldn't be so bad if they keep it to how Facebook worked in the 2010's, with messaging integrated in the app, and not separate. I wouldn't mind seeing a site-wide layout editor where we can choose the colors of the site from nav bar and footer, to uploading a background to the site, etc. Profile CSS editing should be in its own box or under a "edit CSS/layout" where you get to see your edits happen in real time so you don't have to keep your profile open in another tab. 

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Reply by Jason Anderson


SpaceHey needs to stay on Desktop never an app. Apps makes peoples to look at their phones all the time. 

An needs to get Photo albums on SpaceHey, Remove the SpaceHey Announcements talking about the Covid and make a New IM to download on to the desktop 

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Reply by SafeInSanity


Photo albums for members, and a "Follow Thread" option in the forums to recieve notificatiins on forum threads you follow would be 2 additions that I think would make SpaceHey even better. Other than that it's pretty much perfect!

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Reply by ☥Horemhat☥


That's a really nice post!

Personally, I never get the "kudos" or "like" or "upvote" or "that damn thing" it should be to put someone/something under the light.

Lke if we need to be "approved" by others, or to be interesting for the """""friends""""".

We really need a space for friends, the space where there's no need to put tits off to gain attention.

Probably, the main focus should be the spreading of this platform to gain more users as, here in Italy, there are few people who know this site... :(

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Reply by DJ Khoyshekh


Photo galleries

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Reply by 27Club


Keep it desktop only, don't let it fall the way tumblr did but keep the essence alive.... posting video's would be nice tho



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Reply by Milady


Personally i do think that an app would kill the 00s theme/vibe of the whole website, although i do understand why some people would like one. As people we are constantly on the go, and we like to update our social media like that too. what i enjoy about spacehey is that its a "slow" sort of social media; theres no pressure to post consistently, and you can still access the website on mobile if you don't have access to a desktop/laptop computer. arguably the only argument for an app would be accessibility, but at the present moment i dont think the userbase nor the demand is big enough to justify creating one.

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Reply by rudeboygirl


I agree with people who say they don't want an app, but I have no issues having a useable mobile browser version of the site (basically exactly how it is right now.) After all a lot of people can't afford a PC or laptop but smartphones are pretty ubiquitous

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Reply by Honeycake


fkn notifications. We need them.

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Reply by Killer_Robot


I hope this website grow, its so cool have a social media more...different

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Reply by freshmeat


id add a reply button and notifications when someone has responded to me or a bulletin i made.

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Reply by freshmeat


id add a reply button and notifications when someone has responded to me or a bulletin i made.

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Reply by Sunny Castform


I honestly like the website a lot how it is so far. I just joined a few days ago but I've already met some cool people! I just hope they the website doesn't start making changes like Tumblr where they remove the features that make it fun

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Reply by Honeycake


+1 for keeping it desktop friendly. Also bring teh fucking notifcations on email!

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Reply by Mr. Hazard


Being able to post status updates, having a feed with all your friends status feeds. Being able to upload pictures in your status too. I mean, if you mixed Friendproject and spacehey together it'd really be the perfect site.

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Reply by AlterEgo


It sounds like some people really want certain things done and other people really don't want those same things done.

Honestly if it was there in 2007, keep it. If it wasn't, we don't need it. That's the point. Certain things have happened to social media since then to turn it into a mess but we can't really agree on what they are, so it's best to stick to the same template that brought us here to begin with.

Also, if you start taking this further away from the idea of "MySpace in 2007" then it just becomes another social media platform and without the nostalgic element what chance is it going to have against the big boys?

The only thing I really want to see on this site is the advanced search. I'm pretty sure you used to be able to search by gender, age, and location, right?

We desperately need that... not having that is brutal. As is, it's very difficult to connect with anyone because I look at browse and half the profiles are blank and the other half are teenage refugees from Discord, which that's cool but I'm not here trying to talk to teens and they're not trying to talk to me. I can't see myself sticking around here long if I can't specifically seek out people in a similar age bracket to me.

Edit: Also, the original MySpace ran on ads. I don't see a problem with spacehey using that model. They could put the ads in the same place the original MySpace had them.

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Reply by Honeycake


Years go by and we still don't have notifications. It's really hard to interact if we need to remember to sign in!

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Reply by r✦wan


all the old commenters saying there shouldn't be an app were right lolol

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Reply by susu


I hope he reads these threads because this site is lacking a few crucial features that (seem like? I'm not a web developer) would be somewhat simple to add. For instance.. a "sort by recent" option for blog categories (ex: seeing all the recent posts in Writing and Poetry only), and also forum replies. These would already improve the site so much more and I think people would interact with each other more. 

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Reply by Ina


It's been a while and a lot has happened.

The app is fine for when you're on the go. I don't use it that much, but when I want to chat with someone I can only find on spacehey, I use it.

Kudos are fine. They're meant to show appreciation for something without having to write a full analysis of why I agree with someone's statement. It's like saying "Oh! I agree with that person". I don't use them often, but I can see why some people don't like them.

People should also simply learn to ignore certain things. Creating new behaviours can be beneficial in certain contexts. Don't like profile page views, just don't look at them. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is when someone actively interacts with you. Only then will you understand what they think about your posts/profile/etc.

I agree to add a photo gallery/album.

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Reply by lily🌺🌴🐠


no ads from outside of spacehey!! no addictive content!!!

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