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Favorite TNG episode

We all have our favorites from TNG. For me I always like the episode Disaster. It put a lot of the primary cast in positions they weren't use to. Picard with children. Troi having to make command decisions and of course Worf having to deliver a baby. Plus this episode also did a great job featuring some of the secondary cast of Obrien, Ro and Keiko.

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Reply by Stewie


Ooh, Disaster is a great episode. I love how there are continued ramifications for Keko, Obrien, and Worf's relationship in DS9.

Darmok is probably the episode I go back to most. That or Starship Mine. I enjoy both as great Captain Picard episodes. But, I will probably be basic in admitting that my favorite episode is the series finale …All Good Things. I also, think this is one of the best episodes to introduce someone to TNG with.

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Reply by Androo


Besides the obvious, I'd probably say Yesterday's Enterprise. The show's quality increases throughout season 3, but I always remember this as one of the first episodes where it began to rise to the next level.

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