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Halloween Kills

Did you catch Halloween Kills? What did you think?

The YouTube channel that I am an admin and co-host on (Fandom Empire) has been covering the film for the past couple of years, so I was obviously REALLY looking forward to it for quite some time. The film seems to have proven extremely divisive to the Halloween fandom. While I personally really enjoyed the movie, I won't go out of my way to fluff elements of hte film that "didn't do it for me". It certainly isn't perfect, but I do think that it will sit somewhere in my top 5 of the franchise, whenever I get around to ranking all of the films again.

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Reply by olive <3


i watched it opening night, and i honestly thought it was a solid 8 out of 10. one of the few things preventing me from giving it a solid 10 out of 10 is the lack of laurie strode content in the film. but the kills were creative and entertaining, so i really dont think it deserves the hate it is getting. 

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Reply by moron


My first watch I thought it was terrible, and my second watch I thought it was terrible, but really enjoyed it. I consider it a camp classic now. 

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Reply by Brenda


I enjoyed it. I wasn't thrilled they were continuing as I thought the last movie was a good ending to it, I got more into it than I expected. 

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Reply by Whykhiya


I was super excited but I wanted to see more from Laurie. She went so hard in every movie so I thought we would get to see a little something. It was also irritating watching how stupid the characters were and how most caused their own, or each other's, death. I felt no connection to the really anyone that died except for Karen. If anything, I was glad Michael slaughtered everyone because they were just that annoying. I did feel really bad for the guy who ended up jumping to his death because they thought he was Michael. Michael is 6'8 or 6'9 so how on earth could you get that confused? The plot was just all over the place and felt very corny. Also, I nearly ripped my ears off because they kept saying "Evil dies tonight" and "40 years". Overall, I think this film is next to Season of the Witch but lettuce hope the next one is a 100 times better.

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Reply by Thomas Bradshaw


I think the lack of anything big or great from Laurie Strode upsetting some audience members is certainly understandable. I've known since reading the script a bit after it initially leaked that Laurie's role would be minor, but of course that doesn't mean everyone knew this. I certainly feel that the marketing that Universal ran on this film certainly lent itself to Laurie having a larger role in the film than she actually did.

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Reply by Ambrose Creed


Personally I didn't really like it at all, there wasn't any progression in the story, nothing. I wouldn't say it's terrible but definitely not my favorite. Can't say i'm not somewhat excited for the next one though.

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Reply by X.Nekromantik.X


I went to see it in the cinema with my boyfriend... i fell asleep XD that says it all

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Reply by rylie


i hated it. i went in the movie theater to see it and i was disappointed. the characters were so annoying, they really thought they could kill THE michael myers with their fists and some bats? i'm honest glad michael slaughtered them all, except for karen. 

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Reply by resetrequest


probably the worst movie in the world

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Reply by Haydiebear


i watched it in the cinemas, and i didnt hate it, i just wished there was more of laurie strode in the movie :frown:

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Reply by Courtney090


Although I very much enjoyed the movie , in my opinion I think it lacked screen time with Laurie Strode. But I would definitely give the movie a solid 8. I’m looking forward to the next movie ! 

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Reply by Ash


saw it in theatres and thought it was lacking in most aspects but i didnt care cuz the kills were coolthis scene especially <-this scene especially

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Reply by ♡ your foolish lamb ♡


I didn't really enjoy it. I'm not a fan of movies where everyone in town grabs their pitchforks lol. Also missed my girl Laurie ):

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Reply by will


The first time I watched it I absolutely hated it, since then it’s grown on me, but I could honestly live without the hospital scenes.

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Reply by Miss_Playb0y


It was okay, it wasnt amazing and not something I would be excited to watch again, I feel like the trailers really hyped it up but the actual film itself was lacking substance

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I gotta say it was trash lol. As soon as Corey looked into Michael’s eyes and that weird shit happened. I knew it was going down hill. I smoked some weed, drank some wine and just tried to deal with it. When he kicked Micheal’s ass though then took his mask…what the fuck lol. Oh I wanna add that I was happy when Corey killed his bullies. The blow torch…fuck yea.

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Reply by Mars the Oreo fan


It’s good 👍 6/10

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Reply by rottingcakemix


I love halloween kills but I cant get through that film without sobbing at tivoli 

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