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Does anyone on this group come from/primarily align with any particular tradition? The first community that I practiced with was a small Soto Zen sangha. I eventually started studying with the Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism, a non-sectarian community primarily grounded in Jodo Shinshu and Zen, with the founders having been ordained by the Higashi school of Jodo Shinshu. Having taken some time to study Shin closer, I have found that I certainly feel a strong alignment to it myself, with an appreciation for Zen.

I also participate from time to time with a sangha from the Plum Village tradition, which traces it's origin to Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

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Reply by Michael


When I was first introduced to Buddhism it was through Zen.

Currently I am looking for a community here where I live. It's a challenge as most of the sanghas meet and speak Dutch which I don't have a good grasp of. I would be happy to find any Buddhists meeting and speaking English!

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Reply by Kay M. Raven/Featherwaite


When I first started exploring Buddhism, I started with an English sangha from Essex that had online dharma discussions. I joined in for a small time but had to stop going to meetings because of time conflicts. Now I have transferred to another online group that is doing dharma and meditations on Wednesday. I'm still to this group, but I hope to get along with the people there!

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