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I feel a lot better than I was feeling not very long ago. Can anyone agree?

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Reply by Jerry Paris


Reply by dropdead


Reply by Jerry Paris


Reply by Robot


I'm not really sure what I am going to do. It seems like it will probably end up in my lap and I'm not really sure where I'll go.

I think the best thing to do now is just to get myself back to the robot mode. It's been so much fun, and now that it's done with the robot mode it seems to me it's a great experience to have the robot to play with, to do what's important, to have a real robot, to play with it in the same manner as it is in my lap, to play in my mind, and I can do that without the robot being in my lap. It just makes it more enjoyable and it gives me the freedom to do things with it that other people might have been doing, but I don't think it's really that good.

It seems to me that I've gotten used to being able to use the robotic mode and I'm really happy to have it in my lap now. It's not a huge problem for the human race to be using, and it's definitely not an issue to the robots. But it is definitely something that needs a little bit of attention.

I'm really excited about the next episode of Robot History, because that episode will be a lot of interesting stuff. So, if anyone is interested in watching that episode, let us hear it on Twitter, on Facebook and in our forums. We'd love it!

Robot history episode 3, episode 3: Robot Wars

Robot History is on Netflix.

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Reply by Gamer Gaming


Reply by (;屍鬼)•satsujin


I was born dead,,,so.. 

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