Some months back, I started a watch through of the classic Sailor Moon anime on Hulu (US). This was the first time I watched the Viz dub (Minus the Sailor Stars arc, which I watched sub as dub isn't streaming), and the first time I've jumped into the anime as an adult. I really enjoyed it, and made sure I watched all of the filler episodes too. After a couple weeks or so break, I jumped into Crystal (dub), and wrapped up watching the Eternal movies on Netflix yesterday.
I have to admit, while I can understand that many will cling to the classic anime due to the larger amount of content and the special place that it holds from their childhoods, I can't help but ask myself: "Does Crystal tell a better story?". I certainly understand that Crystal was created to run closer to the Manga, so fans of that may certainly jump to Crystal if asked to choose between the two. Of course, the Stars arc has yet to be adapted in any way for the Crystal series, and hasn't even been announced yet as far as I am aware.
So: Do you have a preference between the Classic and Crystal anime series? If so, would you care to explain why one is your favorite?