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have a youtube channel? let's see it!

hey everybody! i figured i would make a forum topic about this considering it may be a big thing to some ppl and i'm aware not everyone uses spotify. (:

i created a youtube channel today and that's where i'm going to make most of my playlists. i personally like being able to watch and share music videos, it adds a bit of a nostalgic feel to it in my opinion~

do you have a youtube channel?? if you do, share it with us! but please keep in mind that spacehey rules apply to the forum and..

-no gatekeeping, one-upping, or fighting. respectful conversation and education only.

one extra thing for this topic! personal youtube channels and channels that do not solely revolve around music are allowed, but PLEASE keep it appropriate. you will be kicked from the group if ur sharing anything gross, gory, or overtly sexual. sorry :/ 

keep it cool! luv u guys and thanks!

here's my channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9acbtkiqf7rvSNtSX1HSQ 

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