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Religion & Sexuality.

Posted by Amarok


Forum: The Gays Group

This, I believe Is quite Important for us to grasp the concept of, I want to quickly state that I do not intend on having Orthodox Religious Views be seen equal to Bigotry.

Every Religion is different, and even within certain religions, there are many differing opinions surrounding that which Is believed to be divine.
I am not as well-versed In Islam, so you'll have to forgive me If I am not entirely accurate, and If you know any other nuances I'd love to hear them.
(Sorry, I only wrote on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, however these three Abrahamic Religions are the Religions I am most familiar with, and the ones I feel most comfortable writing about)

The Bible suggests that sexual relationships between men are forbidden, and it does suggest the same for women. If we are desiring to continue on the "The Bible Is the Infallible word Of God" path, then there Is an alternative view of what these scriptures mean.
Many Religious figures who hold an opposing view, argue that the original Hebrew, and Greek texts did not in fact mention homosexuality, but were instead referring to Pederasty a sexual relationship between an adult man, and adolescent male, and condemning those relationships as pedophilic in nature, and not necessarily condemning a loving relationship between members of the same sex. There Is a third, and final view which states that the Bibe
Is not the infallible word of God, but does contain human error, therefore the scriptures which contain "homophobic" writings are most likely not from God.

There are Secular Jews who do not feel that the Torah, Talmud, and Halacha are Important In modern life, and there are religious Jews who do believe they are still Important.
Orthodox Jews believe that sexual relationships between men should be forbidden, however the same Is not necessarily true for said relationships between women.
Reform Jews do not hold this view, they do not typically believe that the Torah, and Religious Laws are Inerrant, and Inspired, so for them supporting same-sex relationships Is not a problem.

The Qur'an never explicitly mentions homosexuality, however, the hadith does, most Muslims do not believe that the hadith Is actually from the prophet Muhammed.
However, the Qur'an also contains the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and is most likely interpreted as sinful in the eyes of Allah.

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10 Replies

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Reply by 🌈🦕💖~Grace​~💖🦕🌈


don't forget tht queerphobia is literally a mortal sin and against EVERYTHING Christianity stands for

it's even in the Catechism

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Reply by jackson!


My understanding is that most homophobia in Christianity right now privileges some biological essentialism as the primary function of relationships. Marriage is a construct where we all agree on certain boundaries or definitions, and rooting it in one idea is definitely broken.

Anyways, I’m from the inclusive and radical orthodox side of Twitter and exploring this space more lol

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Reply by madmaxxx


I had a weird but overall "lovely"? experience with a church. They were all about community so upon meeting one person I was put into a "study group" where they taught me about christianity and such and I bought up my sexuality because I knew it was a big thing within the religion.

 Anyway all they said on the topic was that there was a few people part of their church family that was lgbt+ and although same sex marriage was frowned upon in the religion, same sex relationship were celebrated in this church and young homosexuals were encouraged to go on "encouragement dates" with the opposite sex to encourage your brothers in christ to be faithful to god. Not much of a date but more of just hanging out in a group, doing fun shit, uplifting each other, and sometimes sharing our recent struggles.

Even though I left in the end I still hang out with some of them all the time.

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Reply by prettycat


ive grown up catholic and for the longest time ive been conflicted about my religion and my sexuality, and still often times am.

however something ive happened to realize is that often times other christians/catholics are VERY inconsistent with what they chose to follow and ignore in the bible, homosexuality often times being on of them.

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Reply by nicolai2


I'm not religious

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Reply by aleph


I actually had deconverted from Islam long before I discovered my bisexuality, so I didn't feel exactly conflicted over it.

Personally, I think that while Islamic scripture does contain homophobia, it does not necessarily mean all muslims are homophobic. Islam can be a religion of peace and love or it can be violence and intolerance, depending on the individual believer.

Islamophobia is also a big no-no for me, I have met many muslims who are kind and compassionate and I wouldn't want to hate on them just because of some hateful passages in their scripture.

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Reply by 𐌷ᕦᥥᒋჄ


Im a buddhist. Buddhism completely accepts gayness =))

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Reply by Meem


queer muslim here!! that passage also can be read as codmening noncon specfically mufti abu layth he has many videos on this ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFeJ-QkS-kM&t=1023s also i suggest looking at https://www.instagram.com/mpvusa/

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Reply by robin hood <3


my view on it is that if you dont support us, but instead just respect us, you're fine =)

you don't have to go to any pride parades or join protests, but you can respect those who are doing so.

hell, you dont even have to like the thought of homosexuality, but you can't be rude about it.

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Reply by Melanie


I don't mean to boost my own group but since this the religion forums.....I made a witches and spiritual group of like minded people. I am a spiritual Christian so plz don't be mean to me,I just want to find more people who share the same interests.

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