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ideas for a 2000's bedroom?

I've been thinking for awhile, and I think once I save up I can finally do it. I want to make my room look mid 2000's. I already have a tv, iPhone 3gs, and a lot of other things old. I want to get an old computer first. maybe a windows xp computer? that's what going for. I already have a mid 2000s flat screen, DVD player and a VCR, so I'm ok for that. I have too much furniture so its pretty hard to rearrange or remove anything.Β room image

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You definitely want what I think is called an Eva Lamp. They were suuuper popular when I was a kid!

Maybe, if you can or allowed to, paint your dresser/wardrobe some funky colors like purple or hot pink. Bonus if you can do multiple colors.

Those ceiling stars that glow in the dark?

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Reply by melanieslaughter


aaaaa, i wanna do the same!! i cant paint my walls or have many stuff on them, so id probably paint my furniture!!

probs look for a hot pink or purple duvet, theyre super cute !!!
also Zebra patterns !

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Reply by Emory_With3rs


I made a Ryan Ross collage on my wall XD also like hello kitty stuff and magazine cut outs are good!

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Reply by xX_N1ghtm4r3_P01s0n_Xx


Classic game consoles are pretty useful to have. Back in the 2000s, you'd find people with Gameboys, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS/DSI/3DS, Nintendo Wii (excluding Wii U), Xbox 360 or any Playstation up to about 3, if I recall correctly?

If you wanna display items from the 2000s, a good place to start is popular movies and books of the era. Stuff like Legally Blonde, High School Musical, Scott Pilgrim, Charlie's Angels, Scream, Hannah Montana, Wild Child, Bratz and so on. If you get a couple toys/plushies from the era, that can also help. Classic Monster High I find is a pretty safe bet, though you can also go for Tamagotchis, Littlest Pet Shop, MLP Gen 3 or Gen 4 (4 being FiM), Webkinz and so on.

If you can't do anything to the walls, they are still creative ways to express a 2000s look. You can get picture frame to put on pieces of furniture and put in whatever pictures you like, for example. There is also the possibility you will need to customise/DIY some furniture.

I also recommend checking charity shops and thrift stores with an open mind. The only limit is your mind.

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i waznt even around in the 2000s but you could get old consolez, if youre able 2 paint anything you could alwayz do that w funky colorz XD, animal print thingz, if you have hatz you could use tacz and hang them on the wall or really anything on the wall like a guitar or smth but ik people would fo that a lot, hanging up posterz pf thingz that were popular at that time like tv showz and whatnot

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Reply by J3TT J4YW4LK3R



ALSO things that were rlly popular then was zebra stripes and cheeta stripes so try those!!

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Paint your walls (if you can), put lots of posters up on your walls, and put some decorative sequin curtains onto your door (either your bedroom door or a closet door).

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Reply by NaNd0 Em0 WiW1ChUZ


para una habitacion de los 2000 pues un closet lleno de ropa emo colors como rosa o negro si eres mas scene usa verde o otro color y tambien discos de tus bamdas favoritasΒ 

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Reply by xXliverplatterXx


i have a room like this 2!! maybe a polaroid?? or a lava lamp!! also if u want more of that 2000s vibe probably get a portable dvd player, they just look more tacky & have more of that vibe to me

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