So a few weeks ago I went and watched the new Scream that came out this year with my fiancé, and had a few opinions on it as I've always loved the Scream franchise since the first one was made. There were so ups and downs with the new one (like any movie of course). I thoroughly enjoyed the plot/storyline of this one but was HIGHLY disappointed by the reveal of who the killer/killers were. Before AND upon watching it I had really big hopes that the killer at least one of them was going to be Stu because he was upset that he didn't get as much fame and recognition as Billy did. I wanted to have it be that he survived the ending of the first Scream and ended up going on a rampage to remind everyone that he too was at the beginning of it all. SO ANYWAYS! I just wanted to chit chat and see what other opinions everyone else might have had about it.