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what current projects are you working on?

i’ll go first

skye and i are in a band called moonspit. we just released an ep full of random projects but we just started some work on a new, more passionate project and that’s gonna be really fun to work on. for me i really want to experiment and explore different song structures, styles, genres, and sounds. i have an arturia microbrute that i’ve been playing with. i just made a little project called ‘vetrulek’ with it but i dont think im gonna officially release it. who knows.

i have sort of a passion project novel thing going on called “Cathedral” that i really like. ive thought about revising it into a script and maybe making a webseries or something out of it? i dont have the visual art skills for that so i just keep it in novel form for now :) but it has the most developed and fleshed out story and characters of any project i have

i have a book musical that i am writing called “A Grimy, Bloody Problem” about a man who sells fake vampire kits in 1800s Germany but then has to fight an actual vampire
i have been working on a season of scripts for a hypothetical show called “XO, Bailey” about a group of lgbt high schoolers in rural america but idk if im ever gonna finish it because rn i feel like i’m just writing euphoria or riverdale and idk how to fix that lol

my brother and i have been working for years on a trading card game which is a culmination of all our childhood doodles and scribbles called “Legions.” i’ll probably post more about it online once we actually get close to releasing it. i have no idea when that will happen, if ever. it is a massive project. 128 primary cards and 800+ secondary cards need designing, printing, and not to mention playtesting lol. maybe we’ll open it up to beta sometime in the distant future?

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