Simple question, whats the best re game in your opinion?
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Best re game?
42 Replies

Reply by ☆Ryan_LAME☆
I honestly really like 4, I very much enjoyed 6's wide array of characters.
Reply by AmphibiousFella
resident evil 4 is my all around fav but 5&6 are both really fun because of co-op. the re3 remake was also really fun to play despite being short
Reply by Λlt-K
Definitely Resident Evil 2 Remake, Such a great reimagining of the original game. Improves on literally everything and it's definitely my most replayed game next to RE4.
Reply by Salrynn
Right now my favourite RE game is RE2 Remake. I adore so much about it, the B scenario isn’t as exciting compared to the original RE2 but the game still delivers! I also really like the costumes they offer, and Mr. X is terrifying!!
Reply by vik
it rlly depends on which kind of resident evil u prefer (the survival horror or action horror) but me personally i struggle with playing the first 3 due to the mix of fixed angles & tank controls (re4 heavily improved on this by setting the camera behind leon’s shoulder) so i cant say ive played 1-3. i have finished 4 & 6 and am currently playing 5 and i honestly like the action horror, i think it gets worse with each title though (6 is still a good game but it doesn’t feel like resident evil and i can’t help but feel like 5 is out of place, even though it follows the re4 formula. i can say though, so far, 4 is my favorite. i love the way the game is designed (sound, story, layout, how it manages to be linear but feel like it’s not) and i love the characters and how campy the dialogue is. re4 KNOWS it’s silly and it fuckin runs with it, and for that it has my respect.
Reply by vik
it rlly depends on which kind of resident evil u prefer (the survival horror or action horror) but me personally i struggle with playing the first 3 due to the mix of fixed angles & tank controls (re4 heavily improved on this by setting the camera behind leon’s shoulder) so i cant say ive played 1-3. i have finished 4 & 6 and am currently playing 5 and i honestly like the action horror, i think it gets worse with each title though (6 is still a good game but it doesn’t feel like resident evil and i can’t help but feel like 5 is out of place, even though it follows the re4 formula. i can say though, so far, 4 is my favorite. i love the way the game is designed (sound, story, layout, how it manages to be linear but feel like it’s not) and i love the characters and how campy the dialogue is. re4 KNOWS it’s silly and it fuckin runs with it, and for that it has my respect.
Reply by Marie
i think it's either Umbrella Chronicles for Lore factor, RE 4 for Gameplay factor and RE1 or Code Veronica for both
Reply by mewtie
my favorite is code veronica but i think re1 remake is probably the best game !
Reply by ClaiRE96
Gotta say REmake (RE1 Remake) is definetly my fav. I feel like it encapsulates everything the original series was known for in the best way possible. Also I love the extra modes like Invisible Enemy, we need more of that in the newer games.
Reply by ana :)
Reply by Zaney
Reply by Weezerfart666
I honestly would sayyy re4 it's mostly my favorite one of all time and it's made it's way to be my special interest
Reply by vergil
Reply by mika
I adore Resident Evil 4 so much. It has so much good music and atmosphere while staying campy and fun. I think it mixes both the horror of the originals and remakes while keeping the over the top action during the re5/revelations/re6 era. It's just a great time.
Also lowkey RE0 has a special place in my heart. For everyone who hasn't tried it but has heard all of the hate it gets, please give it a try for yourself and keep an open mind! <3
Reply by wesker x_x
Reply by sofixia
og RE3 is my favorite. Jill’s my favorite RE character & Nemesis is a cool villain. They added some things that you don’t really see again until RE2R. Like adding different gunpowders to make which type of bullets you want. The dodge mechanic is also unique to this game and is helpful against Nemesis (and other enemies) when he’s chasing you. The ability to make different choices in certain encounters also adds replay-ability and makes the game more interesting and stand out in the series.
Reply by revision
Reply by LE0NxX
absolutely the re4 remake. it is just beyond crazily good and i love it so much!!!!!! everything from character development to story tweaks to gameplay features its just so amazing!!1!1!!2!;!!
Reply by riotraidenn
Reply by NoxXD
It’s very difficult for me but I think it would be:
Code Veronica because I just love that virus,
RE4 remake and the og ver. Are both so good,
Basically all the remakes,
And the Umbrella chronicles is good for lore sand stuff.
Reply by Yeye 🍓
Reply by BOO
Reply by Jack Bright
Honestly, my go to, as controversial as it is, is still Village. People don't like it because its removed from the main story (kinda) and over the top and goofy, but thats part of what the series as whole is about. RE wouldn't be RE without the goofy. And I really like how it gives us a peek into just how odd the REverse really is. Look, Village makes me stupidly happy and that's really all there is, and if anyone says thats wrong I'll throw my Heisenberg plush at them. (/lh /silly)
But I do generally like the rest of the games, too, even the "bad" ones. I've always found something I like in them, even if its just the monsters or viruses, which I love to study and theorize about and learn about! Bleh I just love RE so much
Reply by Jack Bright
Honestly, my go to, as controversial as it is, is still Village. People don't like it because its removed from the main story (kinda) and over the top and goofy, but thats part of what the series as whole is about. RE wouldn't be RE without the goofy. And I really like how it gives us a peek into just how odd the REverse really is. Look, Village makes me stupidly happy and that's really all there is, and if anyone says thats wrong I'll throw my Heisenberg plush at them. (/lh /silly)
But I do generally like the rest of the games, too, even the "bad" ones. I've always found something I like in them, even if its just the monsters or viruses, which I love to study and theorize about and learn about! Bleh I just love RE so much
Reply by .shroomish.
Reply by ♱𝔯𝔞𝔢♱
Reply by ltcoen
Reply by June_rockzz
Reply by cassie
Reply by frogspit13
Reply by mimoo
I feel like the best is probably RE8 considering it’s the newest and the graphics are the best and all that but for me RE5&7 4ever>>>>>>
Reply by mimoo
I feel like the best is probably RE8 considering it’s the newest and the graphics are the best and all that but for me RE5&7 4ever>>>>>>
Reply by salami lid
i can't really place a finger as to why, but i found myself attached to revelations. i think it's primarily bc of the theming and how quick the game can be. the last boss is baaaddd though... re7, code veronica, and re1r also rank highly for me. in theory, i prefer them (lore reasons primarily), but i played revelations around five times now, soooo ^^'
Reply by caz
Reply by N1C0113
Reply by butterflykyle
I must listen to music from re2 1998 or code: veronica daily... like it's too good. Music is a major factor in picking a fav. Resident evil 4 2023 has amazing remastered tracks also; ada's merchant theme in particular just is so boujee and cutesy, hoping for a complete soundtrack on Spotify soon like they did with Village a few months ago :3
Reply by Darren Lee
Honestly, I couldn't really pick a best one, they are all great for their own reasons! As well as each having their own flaws of course!~
If I had to pick a FAV though.... I would have to say either Code Veronica or the OG Resident Evil 3! They both just hold such nostalgic value to me. I remember watching my dad play through them when I was a little lad lol
Also Special shout out to Dino Crisis... May Capcom some day realize your potential and rise you from your grave once more...
Reply by Xx_NewbPwner69_Xx
re7 is my favorite it has a unique setting that still ties itself with the rest of the series plus the gameplay & atmosphere are top tier
Reply by Axxel_00
Reply by Homixide
Reply by Szczurkan
I'll sound basic but Re4r is really cool. I loved this vibe of the cult. Caves sent chills down my spine, village fight freaked me out, Ramon made my blood boil but at the end of it all I had so much fun playing it! DLC is also amazing. It was reall entertaining playing the game as Ada (Luis charmed me with his dance at the begining <33).