Topic: Mindless Social Media

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Reply by Charlezz


No fr, I can't stand mindless social media. Especially TikTok, I can not have that app on my phone because I will want to instantly delete it. 

I'm limiting my Discord usage because of how addictive it is, soon I'm planning YouTube

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Reply by ashwillygin


no but i feel like i need to

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Reply by sarahlyn


its totally cliche but its cliche for a reason. because it works. i have completely dropped my screentime to about 4 hours a day including when i actually need to be on my phone for school and it kinda has changed my world. I used to be able to scroll for hours or watch youtube video upon youtube video but now that shit gets so boring so fast. I intentionally left my phone at home when i went out for a walk the other day and it didnt stress me out. If theres one thing i could say and engrain into people is to start decentering your phone and social media. real life needs more community and thats only gonna happen once we start talking to the people around us.

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Reply by Claire


I havent formally used Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. in a long time but I will go on them every once in a while for 15 minutes and its so insane how even though I feel better without them it will suck me right back in. 

The only 'social media' I still really have is YouTube and honestly, I'm thinking I need to take a break from that too... I basically just replaced it with my other scrolling rahhh! It's so annoying, but like I use YouTube for so much that I can't bring myself to delete it or stop using it all together. 

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Reply by DARK BARBiE


2 years ago i noticed myself scrolling through Facebook. I was never a person who really did that, sure got into Pinterest insta, you name it, but fb was just .... People i was never even effing friends with why am I seeing your child? Your grandma? Your lunch??? I started getting upset about stuff I would have no clue about if I wasn't on. 2 hours went by one day off and I said screw this, deleted the app completely. Now I have to go to a web browser or axtual computer to check it which almost always isn't even worth it so I rarely check!!! Literally I just share shizz from insta to keep myself "relevant" cuz I'm an artist etc. Have family on there i actually do care about updating. But at the same point none of them gave asked how I'm doing since doing this??? Tbh I should do this with insta too because now I notice myself scrolling there but as an artist feel I need to be present. Ugh it's a whole struggle. I kinda wish I could try living in the past where we have to write letters, take actual photos of things to show people IRL next time we see them, go on real dates. Etc. Like this is nice cuz we can all chat world wide but something has to give.

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Reply by ⋆。 ゚. 𝕷𝒊𝒛 ⋆🧷。°✩


if i could, i would be off social media forever, but unfortunately it's the only way to keep in contact with my online friends. i was away from instagram for a year or two, which was so nice!! it was so good for my mental health, like my brain had all this extra space without it

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Reply by Anisa Mazaki


I stopped using main stream Social Media as much after 2020/ 2021 and retreated in anonymity to work on my Artwork. My mental health got better, cuz I didn't have to deal with karen and ken trolls and haters attacking me all the time online,

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Reply by Ritaru;D


Okay so, i did, once i had a phase when i wanted to just take a break from the media, i made a list that is just in front of me of things to do instead of it. But…as much as it did led me to feel refreshed and led to new ways of thinking. It didn’t really last long…after some time i guess, i felt like…i was completely dissociated from myself, in a way. And when i finally went back to it and watched some videos i felt much more at peace. I was kinda overthinking a lot about my current life situations, so much that all this ‘self care’ journey on stopping being on social media kinda seemed more like a burden. I don’t know if it’s because i did something wrong, or maybe, i just lost motivation very quickly that led me to being on media here and then. 

Not long ago i was at my grandmas’s and i was 2 days without social media or anything lol, and i was like okay cool. But…i felt like shit soon after. Not because I wasn’t on it, but because i realized that the things that were outside of it were little shitty and hopeless. So I don’t know if i should really leave it now or not.

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Reply by espr


I had literally succeeded and gotten off everything for two weeks but ugghhhh I needed to see those youtube makeup tutorials sooo badly... tbh there really isn't a good replacement for that but it still sent me breaking ALL my rules

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Reply by Indy


Nah, I totally get it! Digital liberation is mad freedom. 
I used to be chronically online and enjoy myself, now I find that I log off angry and upset 9 out of 10 times. It can be argued that it's triggered by what I consume, it's an algorithm after all. It just seems like there aren't any positive spots left. 

I'm glad it's had a positive impact on your metal well-being. I think the most important one to unplug will always be Facebook. 

If you get the SM itch again and want to find a positive community I suggest Blusky, there really isn't much negativity over there and if it does show up, it's really easy to avoid it. 

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Reply by y2urk


I frequently think about doing this, but I've grown up on social media for my entire life! The last time I wasn't on some form of social media was when I was like four or five, so the idea of not having contact online is so scary. If I were to do somthing like this though, it would defeintly be for TikTok, since that's the most dystructive one for me. Anyone else in a similar situation?

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Reply by cosmicsystem


i would do this if i wasnt obsessed with spacehey now...

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Reply by VioLens


Even tho all my friends are on Twitter, I kicked the bucket and stopped using it. Life has been better. Twitter just goes so fast for me and I can barely keep up, especially with its terrible algorithm. As an artist it was very stressful to keep up, especially the fact I had to also draw things I wasn't comfortable with just to get a smidge of attention to keep my account afloat.

I don't use social media anymore, I just post my drawings on IG and Bluesky and go back to having fun. It's awesome.

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Reply by joy


I decided to make a SpaceHey profile because it's a form of slow social media while still having the interactions of people across the Internet. Oh I'd love to completely delete everything but Instagram is my main form of communication and where I post my art! Recently I've implemented logging out of my account when I don't want to se it, it gives the same effect I guess :p

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Reply by ☆nine9☆


social media can totally cause SO much stress in your life, sometimes a detox is for the best. plus it feels so much better when you come back online (if you ever do!) im a total hippocrite, but even slightly decresing your screen time could change allot!

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