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ultimate control yugioh deck
10 Replies
Reply by andrew covell
so i've recently updated the deck and i'm now a lot happier with it it's still not play tested but the ratio of types of cards looks better and i've added more cards that i think would work great in this deck i'll keep my original text up top the same obviously i didn't make all the changes i said you could make to this so theres still pleanty of room to play with the build of this deck if theres something you want in it that i didn't put in anyways here is what the deck list looked like before i updated it in the op
Reply by andrew covell
i'll be honest this deck is probably improperly named i now have a deck named "sick of ranked" that's very similar to this deck but built with cards that i actually have on master duel anyways this was the second draft of this deck it's a very small update for the 3rd draft but i found a powerful card for limiting your opponents special summons and i just had to add it this will probably be the last update cuz it's getting really hard to edit this deck again i still have suggestions for edits honestly you could probably use this deck more so as a guide than neting it and be better off considering this deck still has some weaknesses to work out
Reply by andrew covell
yup another update to the deck the decklist in this comment is the 3rd draft control is kinda something i keep improving at the only cards hit in this revision was a card for stalling and i also took out 1 chain energy (which was part of the inspiration for the deck along with maxx "c") i removed 1 chain energy cuz on master duel i only have 2 so this actually made the deck closer to playable as both cards added i actually have acsess to (one of which i crafted for my exodia deck)
Reply by andrew covell
honestly i've lost track at how many updates to this deck this is however i amassed a ton i wanted to fit in as you could imagine that meant i had to cut quite a lot too nothing is gone but cards i've greatly increased cuz they are higher priority or having more of them out at a time is a good thing are no longer so meaning this deck in exchange for some of the toxic stuff i added to it like nibiru and ash blossom has become a bit more unwieldy however because it's more toxic it should be easier to control bad players up to this point aside from fiends sanctuary this deck had been built assuming your opponent knows what they are doing which is why it's got a lot more stall in it than it does control but like 80% of players on this game just do not know how to play yugioh and simply push buttons in hopes they get a powerful monster out their decks are netted it's rather easy to spot these players the eldlitchs (which no i will not be adding to this deck cuz then it wouldn't be any fun) the max chaos blue eyes ect ect ect stalling helps but you'll want to control the field just as much as you want to stall your opponent also i added nibiru because in a recent duel against 6 samurai maxx "c" was used against me to deck me out this happened of course cuz there wasn't anything to stop the looping in my deck nibiru is the solution to this problem or if you're running exodia thats a good answer too as your opponent will actively help you win the duel by trying to deck you out after you play maxx "c" however exodia is 5 cards nibiru is 1 we have more boss monsters this time around i included a ritual monster (which means 2 card slots where wasted to include it) however in adition to this cards power it is a strong control card preventing your opponent from using monster effects that let them summon from the extra deck which is a huge problem with modern yugioh i may in the future add somthing like dispair from the dark to give this deck a little more power however as it is in this latest update i gotta say this may actually be one of the strongest and most fun control decks out there that you can use once your tiered of being beaten match after match by meta net deckers anyways this comment wasn't just to update you on the new deck i do also have the precious deck list to share so that way you can see what i did to this deck (edit to comment while updating the deck list i realized dispaire from the dark is already in this deck XD )
Reply by andrew covell
another edit to be fair the version of the deck list in this comment is already really powerful i simply swapped a trap card for a better one so magic cylinder is gone for drowning mirror force why? because targeting isn't viable in modern yugioh drowning mirror force however it may not burn your opponents life points it will ruin their day as all their monsters are shuffled back into the deck bonus points if they have practically no hand meaning that they'll need a 1 card combo to recover luckly we have other cards already in this deck to deal with that namely maxx "c" and nibiru and you can see why i had to add this card to be fair i remembered the different mirror force cards i just didn't think to add any in this deck till i got one from a pack pull on master duel i also didn't have magic cylinder yet so this change actually brings this deck closer to playable status for me but again this is simply a small tweak and 1 that doesn't really change the deck a whole lot so consider this one of the most minor updates to this deck
Reply by andrew covell
that's 2 updates in a day this one is a bit more major than the last cuz i removed 1 chain energy that means less possible burn damage from this card however the card i've added is a powerful one as it is a 4 star monster with 1800 atk that renders your opponent's spells useless this does not make the deck a lock deck this is still control because 1800 atk can be dealt with easily plus unless skill drain is out your opponent should still have monster effects now if this effect was also performed from the back row continuously that would be a lock deck speaking of i've seen some people not understand the difference the difference between lock and control is that lock decks ultimate goal is to render anything your opponent can do useless that means no monster effects no spells and no traps the cards that have these effects must have to be dealt with in a way in which one of these are used to remove the card so typically all of these cards are back row since monsters can be dealt with simply by battleing them a control deck on the other hand is a deck built to control what your opponent can do however it does not leave your opponent responseless if a lock is achieved in a control deck one of the cards causing the lock is a monster card which means your opponent can respond with battle but ultimately lock isn't your goal anyway it's just a good position to be in your goal is to gain advantage in any part of the board lp advantage monster advantage hand advantage ect ect ect and using that advantage against your opponent control decks are tough to face but they aren't exzactly frustrating as lock decks are anyway here was the last deck list (btw i'm very close to just removing elemental heroes heat and lady heat from this deck i may just do it if i decide to update this deck again)
Reply by andrew covell
i wish i could tell you this is a small update but editing this deck has gotten tough so to make room i finally decided the elemental heroes i had in this deck where taking up too much space the tought process adding them is heat is a strong card when on the field alone he has 1800atk nothing to sneeze at but add more elemental heroes and he get's stronger as for lady heat she was actually the reason i added these 2 and dedicated 4 copies lady heat is not as strong at 1400 atk i added her cuz during your opponents standby phase she inflicts 200 points of damage to your opponents lp for every elemental hero of the field if you actually look at the deck you'll notice it thrives not just on control but most of the damage you're dealing is burn damage and that is why i had lady heat in the deck she is the heroes burn damage card the problem is these 2 need multiple elemental heroes in the deck so they're kinda out of place in this deck so i've removed them the monster i added is nothing too major however it will be annoying people who think the game is about over powering i added gora turtle this turtle has 1100atk and 1100def don't let this fool you though his effect restricts monsters with over 1900atk from attacking sure he can be dealt with easily but this is a terror to most meta decks so of course i had to add him here's the previous deck list
Reply by andrew covell
very minor update cuz i have room to work with in fact i considered just updating without posting old deck list it's so minor but trust me this card will get you far however this deck could use more teeth now cuz it's easy to mill if your opponent knows what they're doing
Reply by andrew covell
i bet you thought i was done updating this deck well so did i actually honestly this is an outline to find cards you like and want to run anyways i came across well actually i came across a few different cards that fit this decks purpose well and thats what this update is the card that warranted the update is one that forces spell cards to be played like trap cards thats fine for this deck but it'll ruin many other players days especially those pesky combo players as a hero main myself i already know this would absolutely ruin my day as it leaves me open an extra turn before i can fusion summon another card that would fit this decks idea well (although probably wouldn't work in this exzact deck) is mystic mine however that card cannot be included as it is banned so yeah i've added a few more cards not a huge update here is the last version of the deck list
Reply by andrew covell
"i thought you said you where done updating this" so i did however i came across a card that kinda pairs with chain energy called paralyzing chain it's also a burn damage type of card however instead of burning your opponent every time they summon instead it burns them every time they send a card from their deck to their graveyard so yeah decided to add that emergency provisions is the trade off emergancy provisions is a good card if you want a continueous spell on the stage only temporarily but the strat has kinda changed so make sure your life points dont hit 500 with this deck also trading destruction jammer for spirit barrier spirit barrier will ensure your opponent has a tough time dealing damage to you as long as you have a monster on the field