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Posted by xX♡ sushi ♡Xx


Forum: Life

I feel like I haven't slept properly in so long now and it's fucking with my head even worse. I am tired, I do try. But I toss and turn for hours and am always uncomfortable after a little while in the same position any tips or advice? I can't go back to living off sleeping pills again 💊

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Reply by xX♡ sushi ♡Xx


Hailey 🖤🧸

I actually have never heard the term sleep hygiene until now and I'm learning about it right now and i think you're right. I don't want to be on medication again because it's way too heavy. I think in the next couple days I'll try melatonin instead. Thanks for suggesting <3

I have some mental health issues apparently, but even on my good days the sleep just doesn't come until it's passing out from being exhausted. I haven't really discussed this, so thanks for your help. 

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Reply by Christopher Julian


It is literally the WORST thing when you lay there and toss and turn for hours never to fall asleep. My insomnia is so bad that I’ve had to take melatonin and even though it does help, sometimes it doesn’t and I just feel drowsy and toss and turn. Sometimes putting on something calming can help, but it’s not a guarantee.

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Reply by Christopher Julian


It is literally the WORST thing when you lay there and toss and turn for hours never to fall asleep. My insomnia is so bad that I’ve had to take melatonin and even though it does help, sometimes it doesn’t and I just feel drowsy and toss and turn. Sometimes putting on something calming can help, but it’s not a guarantee.

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Reply by xX♡ sushi ♡Xx


@julian 💫

I do play stuff in the background sometimes like TV mostly but also some white noise like rain 🌧 it helps. The last couple of days I have had sleeping pills again bc I've really really needed the sleeps 💤  what's your melatonin like? I'm considering that next 

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Reply by Christopher Julian


Rain is one of my go to’s when I try and sleep! I understand 100% not sleeping sucks. Can’t stand it. I started taking melatonin mainly because I was taking too many “Tylenol PM’s” I noticed how dangerous it actually was but I have a bottle of 8mg “Melatonin” and it’s a lifesaver! Swear to god. But you might need a stronger dose other than 8mg’s because I started on 12 when I first started taking them!

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