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Humanoid aliens in conspiracies and media

The idea of there being alien lifeforms with bodyplans so similar to our own always seemed super farfetched to me. Bipedal aliens I can get behind, bipeds with erect backs I can not. The only situation I can see as acceptable would be if the alien planet was extremely similar to Earth, and thus something along the lines of convergent evolution would've taken place. I've started to write off most 'true' alien encounter stories if the creature is described as being humanoid for this reason.

I'm also not a fan of this being in media too, I think it's super lazy. I don't think these designers realise that we have so many great examples of high intelligence body plans on earth that they could use for inspiration. Hell, H.G. Welles was able to do it when he wrote his Martians as Cephalopod type creatures. Though, when he did it there was pushback by religious types who said that intelligent life form would have to look similar to humans due to intelligent beings being made in the image of God.

Speaking of H.G. Welles, I'm pretty sure he created the 'grey alien' when he wrote The Man Of Year Million, so why is this so commonly accepted by people who believe in aliens to be what aliens look like?

What are you guys thoughts on this? Do you believe creatures like the greys are real, and if so, why do you believe this?

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I used to feel the same way until I read books and saw enough witness testimony to convince me otherwise. I believe the humanoid form is ubiquitous throughout the universe. If you want somewhere to start you can check out Robert Dean's interviews on the Project Camelot youtube channel (if it's still there). The book "Selected by Extra Terrestrials" by William Tompkins. Of course that's only scratching the surface. There's a plethora of material out there about the subject.

Also Philip Schneider's presentation is worth a watch. He speaks about being in an underground base during with a battle with the tall greys. Two of his fingers were shot off during the battle. He later "conveniently" committed suicide after giving his whistleblower testimony.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Also I don't know why whistleblowers who worked for the government and military would lie about such things in their old age. What would they have to gain?

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