Filenames with spaces can be worked with in a couple different ways:
$ less filename\ with\ spaces
$ touch 'filename with spaces'
$ touch "filename with spaces"
$ cd /media/Stuff/My\ Data/
$ cd /media/Stuff/"My Data"
$ touch "05'.txt"
$ touch '05".txt'
rm ./-iputadashinthefoldername
> | Output redirection |
>> | Output redirection (append) |
< | Input redirection |
* | File substitution wildcard; zero or more characters |
? | File substitution wildcard; one character |
[ ] | File substitution wildcard; any character between brackets |
`cmd` | Command substitution |
$(cmd) | Command substitution |
| | Pipe (|) |
; | Command sequence, sequences of commands |
|| | OR conditional execution |
&& | AND conditional execution |
( ) | Group commands, sequences of commands |
& | Run command in the background, background processes |
# | Comment |
$ | Expand the value of a variable |
\ | Prevent or escape interpretation of the next character |
<< | Input redirection |
Redirect stderr to a file using the 2> metacharacter:$ command 2> file
Redirect stdout and stderr to the same file:
$ command > file 2>&1
Redirect stdout and stderr to different files:
$ command > file 2> errors
\NNN | The character whose ASCII code is NNN (octal) |
\ \ | Backslash |
\a | Alert (bel) |
\b | Backspace |
\c | Suppress trailing newline |
\f | Form feed |
\n | New line |
\r | Carriage return |
\t | Horizontal tab |
\v | Vertical tab |