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Are you using Wayland or X.Org?

Posted by Wry


Forum: GNU/Linux Group

I'am still using X.Org.

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6 Replies

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Reply by Juan Games


So, what exactly is wayland or x.org?

I've seen them being mentioned in other places but never got around knowing what they were exactly.

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Reply by username2000


I'm using Wayland

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Reply by sweaty black tights


Reply by SpookyZalost


Xorg and occasionally Xfre86 on a retro machine.

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Reply by Biterr


Wayland cuz it's working good

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Reply by NosyCat


Me too, and I don't plan to switch any time soon. I have no use for yet another wheel that was reinvented broken and now its creators can't even be bothered to fix it. But they sure expect us to use it the way it is. How 'bout no.

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