Hello! I'll use this group to introduce my conlang, waijineon! It's a language written with korean hangul and it's basically a mix of korean, mandarin, cantonese and japanese. Waijineon can be written as a mix of hanja and hangul or pure hangul only. Here's an example text on that;
와 와이진언 하하다요. 가게 언 메도 구하다아! 나도 와 가게 학하다사! 와 로ー사 나제 싀 벤디다사!
我 我이人言 話하다요. 가게 言 美도 廄하다啊! 你도 我 가게 学하다사! 我 路ー者 你제 恕 分디다사!
[translation] I speak in waijineon. This language is beautiful and stable! You and me, let's study together! I will be the leader and share the golden rules to you!
Let me know if you want to know more. My tumblr about this language is @waijineon so feel free to check it out for more in-depth content!