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Make the comment box border color transparent

Hello everyone.

I was trying to customize my profile and I was very satisfied with the result... Oh well, I was until I decided to make a comment on my own profile (for testing purposes) and I notice that the comment box border was white.

I want to change the color to a transparent one, but I cannot figure how to do that. I don't have so much experience with HTML and CSS, sorry.

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Reply by Vori


In table.comments-table and other places connected with comments table you add
border-color: #thecoloryouwant;

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


To add to the comment above me, you'll also need to use an RGBA value in order to have transparency. The first three numbers control the color and the last one controls transparency. There are a lot of websites you can use to generate one.

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Reply by İMovedKKK


Sorry for the late reply.
It worked very well and now my profile looks sick, ty

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