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Recommend me games!

Posted by older


Forum: Games

I am horrifically addicted to Counter-Strike, and I need a change of pace.

I'd love if you guys could recommend me anything from any genre as long as you think it is worth playing.

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Reply by swchr


Here we go:

Ravenfield  (great battlefield-like game with bots and a shit ton of workshop support), Hitman 1, 2 and 3 (the new World Of Assassination ones), Plants Vs. Zombies (worth replaying), OpenRA (open source free reimplementation of the original Command and Conquer: Red Alert games), Cities: Skylines, Age of Empire I, II and IV, Left 4 Dead 2, Half-Life 2 and its episodes, Portal 1 and 2, Death Road 2 Canada (great game) and finally Paint The Town Red.

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Reply by diogenes


some games if you like!

Risk of Rain 2- fast paced rougelike 3rd person shooter

Hollow Knight- Beautiful platform metroidvania

Nuclear Throne- 2D bullet-hell shoot-em-up rougelike

Spelunky - pain in a platformer, play it with friends

Terraria- 2D sandbox game

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Reply by debleb


try monster hunter world! the learning curve is steep to say the least if uve never played mh but its reaaaaly good

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Reply by R4PT0R


The isle (multiplayer survival horror game with humans and genetically modified dinosaurs on an island -yes you can be the dinosaur too)

-Path of titans (just a dinosaur survival game)

-Beasts of bermuda (dinosaur survival game)

-Primal carnage extinction (humans vs dinosaurs)

-Natural selection 2 (humans vs aliens on a spaceship)

note: all of these are multiplayer

some singleplayer "early 2000's" games:

-Fish tycoon 

-Plant tycoon

-Deep sea tycoon (the 1 is really good the 2 is kind of "eh")

-Feeding frenzy 1-2

-Zoo tycoon 1-2

-Wildlife park 1-2

-Wildlife tycoon

-Moon tycoon

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