I’m just wondering what would happen or how would everyone’s lives be different if Pokémon were real. Like how would our society work with that when we use Pokémon for war or actually build a good commun with them.
I would want to be a trainer so badly!! it would be extra cool if characters from the games n stuff where real too, id be a huge fanboy for bede (hes cool)
Vsauce2 has a video looking at if slugma/magcargo was real, and how chaotic their presence would be. It's like, apparently pretty dangerous to stand near them bc they are magma-
Being able to fly or surf from place to place would be so so fun, and I think a pokemon could navigate more safely than LiDAR, so you could just take a little nap on the back of your altaria or lapras float along <3
We probably wouldn't make far as a species with all the super powered animals running around. There's plenty of pokemon that are just straight up dead people who died in different ways, pokemon that target children specifically, pokemon that can very easily steal your very soul, pokemon that can kill you just by being near them, and so on.