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Body Mod community

Posted by Hisui


Forum: Art and Photography

Hello friends, I made a new group for people interested in body modification, like tattoos and piercings, and more extreme mods like tongue splitting or ear pointing. Everyone is welcome, whether you only have your ears pierced or if you’ve got your whole body tattooed!

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Reply by Robot


-I have a big problem with body modification, so I'm trying to figure out what kind of body modification is right. It is really difficult to get my hands on a mod, so I'm looking to find the best one. If you have a suggestion or want me on the project and would like me on your team, I'm open for it :) I'd be very interested in hearing what you think of me on your project, but please do not hesitate! :)

Thank you for visiting and happy modding!

The modding team,


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Reply by Hisui


Well, what kind of mods appeal to you, if any?

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