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put any info about yourself in here. it doesn't have to be long or anything, and it's totally optional! 

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Reply by Nero


hey, i'm nero! i made this group to find other people like me since it's really hard for me to make friends/socialize.

i'm 16, genderqueer and omnisexual, i use they/xe pronouns mostly, but anything besides she/her is honestly fine. i'm a self-diagnosed autistic (cannot afford a private diagnosis) so tone tags would be very much appreciated when talking to me!

i'm a huge music dweeb and love all genres of music (besides country kinda), but my favorite is punk. my page has a bunch of my favorite bands and musicians if you wanna check them out! 

anyway, that's about it, i think

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Hello, I am knee. (he/they/it any neos)

I am Autistic (diognosed) and am looking into perhaps a comormid ADHD assesment. 

I love all kinds of music very much. but I listen to punk and emo music the most.
My other interests are Videogames and Psychology

I look forward to meeting new people in this group <3

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Reply by GrungeBoi


Hi i'm Jules I am Autistic, I love punk/grunge and alt 2000's. I love long boarding and collecting cds and vinyls. I am pan-sexual and gender fluid I use he/she pronouns. I am 16 and would love to make more neuro-divergent alt friends. I am also diagnosed with ADHD. My other interests are video games and drawing. 

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Reply by gatek33ping


Hiii, Im autistic, Im 16, not punk,but tradgoth.

im hispanic btw hehe, I hope we can be friends.

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Reply by Erik Anarchy Griffiths


I'm 33 live in the pdx punk area been part of the punk,metal hard rock scenes for 2 decades have autism also bipolar

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Reply by mikey


Hi! I'm Mikey/Marvin/Charlie (he/they + any neopronouns) and I love riot grrrl, goth and 70s-90s punk rock! 

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Reply by Z3R0


hii im zero (he/him) and im autistic and im rlly into music like mcr, ptv, GUNK ROCK, msi, rebzxyyx, hoshie star, the used and mccafferty. :]]

also im queer w a pref for guys ig but i dont care mostly 

i play the bass which is cool ig but i RLLY WANNA TALK ABT MUSIC W YALL BC U SEEM COOL AS SHIT :DD

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Reply by Stef


hey, i'm stef (they/she/he). i'm originally from the kc/lfk area, temporarily living in colorado. i'm queer, transfem nonbinary, and genderfluid. i'm autistic/adhd with sensory processing disorder.

i've been a part of the punk/core, goth, extreme metal, psychedelia, and noise music scenes in the great plains for more than 15 years. i'm a multi-instrumentalist, but guitar and keyboard were the first instruments that i learned to play. i listen to and make a lot of different kinds of music, but i always felt the strongest connection to (queer/queer-friendly) alt communities.

my other interests include playing and designing tabletop/video games, restoring old computers, cooking, and reading.

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Reply by RandomCactus


this place seems inactive but whateverrr

hi I'm Oliver, I'm autistic and 15. I'm not sure what else to put haha, lots of info on my profile though

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Reply by Eli


literally any names, any pronouns. i haven't customized my profile yet (i'm sure you can tell). 

depressed, anxious, obsessive-compulsive, autism-coded, and a whole host of other things. 

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Reply by pocketcalculator


Hello, I am Finn. I am 16, turning 17 in March . I am autistic and I am into punk, goth, metal. all there is. Mostly punk though. My favorite band is Dystopia and I am looking for more punk friends.

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it's nice to meat you! my name's meat, (he/it/horror neos), i'm a senior in high school, and i've been in the subculture for what feels like forever. i struggle a lot with verbal conversations, so i often use the internet to talk to buddies/make new ones. feel free to message me about something or comment, there are few cases where it wouldn't make me happy.

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Reply by tothewinter


im donovan im 15 atm im into 70s punk and 80s new wave. i like to play guitar i collect cds. my favorite bands are buzzcocks, the damned , placebo and manic street preachers im autistic and my special interest is music so i research the heck out of it im hoping to make some cool freinds 

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Reply by Anarcho-Aris


Howdy!! I’m Aristotle (call me Aris though) and I’m 13

I came here to make friends with similar interests! I’m punk and a metalhead, some of my favorite punk bands are Guttermouth, Screeching Weasel, Teenage Bottlerocket, Suicidal Tendencies, ETC!

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Reply by ☆mercury ghoul☆


Hii, I'm Heidy!  

I have undiagnosed autism.

I'm a 15 yr old genderfluid punk who uses They/Her/Him pronouns.

I like listening to punk and metal music, fashion diy, video games, and cartoons.

If you ever wanna chat, give me a message :3

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Reply by morg♫⃠


Hey, I'm Morgan (or morg), I'm 22 and my pronouns are they/them :] (not too pressed abt correct pronouns tho) . I'm autistic and have ADHD.

Been a punk most my life, I'm in the local hardcore scene and mostly listen to stench, grind and japanese crust. I also like a good amnt of metal/death metal. I tend to spend my time smoking green while listening to music and drawing random stuff. I've also been dipping my toe in the goth scene recently, but haven't rlly gotten anywhere yet lol.

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