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Posted by sarah ♡


Forum: Filmheyᵀᴹ Group

  1. This group focuses on discussions about film (features, shorts, and mini-series of all mediums). While discussions about those involved in the creation process (including but not limited to: cast, crew, and inspirations outside of direct influence) are inevitable where they apply, please try to limit such discussions to the relevant topics at hand.
  2. Reasonable critique is fine, but please don't resort to personal attacks against other members or the creators discussed. (Personal attacks are including, but not limited to: homophobic remarks, transphobic remarks, any form of racism or antisemitism, ableism, and sexism.) Mentions of public knowledge, confirmed events are not considered personal attacks. 
  3. In relation to critique, if you're critiquing another member of the group's work, the criticism should be constructive. Suggestions are welcome (but don't need to be implemented by the creator); suggestions should relate directly back to the material— this shows that your criticism comes from good faith as a fellow movie lover, and with understanding of the source material that the group member has shared.
  4. Everyone in this group is on equal footing. If you're a part of the industry in any way, your wisdom and experience will be respected, but is not a form of status over any other member nor does it make any personal opinions about art more or less valid.
  5. In relation to people in the industry on any level or in any position: any privileged information that you post is 100% at your own risk. If you realize you've made a mistake in posting something or change your mind, please let us know if you need help having the information removed from / edited within the group. 
  6. Off-topic comments and remarks are perfectly acceptable in all threads, but be considerate of others in the thread! 
  7. Absolutely no use of any slurs, regardless of what you can or can't reclaim.
  8. Any posts that are news-related instead of opinion-related should be sourced! (Nothing fancy necessary, just link back to the original article or video)
  9. Please keep spoilers in spoiler-friendly threads! (Those should be marked with 'Spoilers' in the thread title) :)
  10. Please avoid explicitly mentioning or linking to any illegal streams, download links, VPNs to access our-of-region streaming services, etc. for any media discussed. We all have, or know someone who has, used them from time to time to access harder to access old, foreign, or forgotten media, but please don't use our forums to discuss anything illegal. 

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