1. The book is very good, and it does have some good ideas. I like that it's written from a point of view where the reader can understand what is going on in the world, and the world of this book is not so much a world that is in chaos and war. It's an interesting world where the people of Mexico are trying desperately to find the best place for the next generation to grow up.
2. There are lots of good things about the book.
3. There is a great sense that the story and character is not only good, but very interesting. I really liked that this is the beginning of a new series, which will hopefully take the readers to a whole other world where the story will start to unfold and the characters will be able to understand that this is a very different world.
The book has many good parts. It does a good job at making the characters feel real and that they will be in a world that has been made by them.
The first chapter is pretty good and is a good read.
I really liked how the first book was written, it's really well written and the plot is interesting. It's also a good story, it has lots of good parts, it does an excellent job at making it more than it should be, I'm sure it will make you feel a lot better, but I think it's a good book to have in the beginning of a series, especially if it is going into a different time. I really enjoyed this one, it's really interesting to see what it is and I think it's going to help make a new world of Mexican society.
This one has many interesting ideas and the characters really seem to be very well developed, they really do feel like they have been raised as a human being and they have been raised by their parents, but the book has also some great ideas, and I think this is going to be a very important series for a