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fnaf security breach

Posted by CLICK ME!


Forum: Games

Hey so ive gotten really hooked on the new fnaf game, and most of my friends dont like it as much as i do, so like if you wanna talk about the game then im always here!!

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Reply by Ms Myspace


Hey, I've been hyperfixated on this game and starting to get hyperfixated on the books as I read them. I've been a fan since 2014 and still don't get the lore 

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Reply by CLICK ME!


what about the lore dont you get?

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Reply by CLICK ME!


what about the lore dont you get?

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Reply by Basil Birch


How do you feel about the theory that Gregory is the kid from the bite of '87? :3

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Reply by CLICK ME!


i'd like to hear more of the evidence that brought people to that conclusion, i feel as if the two are related somehow personally 

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Reply by ★Bonnie★


I somehow managed to complete the entire game and get every item and achievement, then when I went back to play it a second time I literally closed the game as soon as I had to deal with an animatronic. What happened??

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