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Introduce yourself:

-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album?
-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song?
-How do you met the band? 
-Which´s your favorite era?

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13 Replies

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Reply by Nik 11


-Liliana but I prefer Lil 

-I don´t remember, but in 2017 a friend told me about the band and I got interested
-Danger Days or TBP I can´t decide

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Reply by HeadfirstForHalos


HeadfirstForHalos <3
I think that would be pretty obvious....
i saw their name a lot on youtube and so i checked them out  
eventhough bullets/revenge are my fav albums, i really like the danger days era. Just because how well its done (all the comics that come with it)  

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Reply by NIKITA


- bullets but i also love revenge
-headfris for halos 
-I saw helena on music video on youbube 
- revenge 

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Reply by xxtaylorxx >_<


-Taylor <3
-20 yrs oldddd
-three cheers<3
-gotta be boy division 
-found them when I was abt 12 I think????? I believe I was prob watching amvs or sum and then was like ommmgoshhhh this song teenagers so gud
-unpopular opinion but I luv the danger days era,,, the vids r so kewl

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Reply by mikey!! (seeing MCR again)


- Xavier, Lena wtvr idc
- idrc she/her is ok
- 13
- I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love 
- uhm.. you think I can pick just one?
- my brother 🧍🏻‍♀️
- Yes. All of the above.

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Reply by bophomet nigths templare god


-Name Nicolas 
-Pronouns he him
-Age 15
-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album? three cheers
-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song? well i realilove all this album but my favorite three songs are prision, venom, and... living
-How do you met the band? i was looking pinterest and i found a image with names of bands and mcr was first
-Which´s your favorite era? revengeeeee i love black hair gerard dhfisdhfiahefibh

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-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album?


-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song?


-How do you met the band? 

It's a funny story. I got mad at a boy who liked to tease me and put the headphones on to think about something else. The name of the band came to mind and when I realized it, I already loved them. 

-Which´s your favorite era?

Danger Days 

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Reply by ryryro


name: ryan, ry, or ryro!
pronouns: he/they
age: 20!
fav album: bullets by far 
fav song: oh my god uh. cemetery drive or drowning lessons
how'd you get into em?: i got into them as part of a package deal with fob and panic back during the emo trinity era (2014-15) and loved em. i just thought that the bands were inseperable lol
fav era: bullets def! i love it when bands are just starting out and getting on their feet. something authentic about it. 

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Reply by jay


hiii :)

-Name: jay
-Pronouns: he/him
-Age: 16 (17 in feb)
-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album?: bullets/revenge I CANT PICK
-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song?: vampires will never hurt you <333
-How do you met the band? : i listened one time kinda as a joke. now here i am
-Which´s your favorite era?: probably revenge but idk

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Reply by ꒰ ʚ Samukka ɞ ꒱


- Sammuel but everyone just calls me Sam ( ´ ω ` )
- He/Them
- 17 
- Bullets!! (ᵔ.ᵔ)
- Early Sunsets on Monroeville <3
- I listened to some songs when I was like 12, and at 13 my ex (i know) showed me their songs and i absolutely fell in love with them
- Pro Rev!!!! (or bullets)

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Reply by 🦇 ash



i go by isaac or asher :3


he/him !!


I just turned 14 :P today is my birthday!

-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album?

THEY ARE ALL SOO ÑAMÑAMÑAM but tcfsr and danger days have something that catches me 

-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song?

I have too many, here r some of them: 

— sleep

— vampires will never hurt u

— emily

— kill all your friends

— f.t.w.w.w.

— I never told u what I do for a living 

— mastas of ravenkroft

— all the angels 

-How do you met the band? 

my brother and my cousin were fans when they were liek 15... if I didn't mistake the age, and since I always followed them everywhere (I was so young) I always listened to the mcr songs that they listened to and now that I grew up I started to listen to them on my own! 

fun fact from when I started listening to mcr: my brother left a poster of them on my bed when I wasn't in home XDDD 

-Which´s your favorite era?

errmmm revenge or if I have to be super specific... the black parade is dead! I MEAN I CAN'T STOP SOBBING AND SCREAMING WHEN I REMEMBER THEY WERE IN MEXICO AAAAAAAA 

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Reply by Nirvananananannanamamamna annanamam


Introduce yourself:

Idk how to bro-


Rosalie but most people call me harley


Gerard/Way (jk she/them)



-Which´s your favorite MCR´s album?

Bullets fr

-Which´s your favorite MCR´s song?

Def early sunsets 

-How do you met the band? 

Well when I was 6 my mom introduced me to them and I revisited them when I was 12 and I've been a huge fan ever since 

-Which´s your favorite era?

Bullets gee

Revenge Mikey

Black parade Ray

And revenge era frank

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Reply by xXreverieXx


Name - Violet (or just vi)
Album - Bullets
Song - Drowning Lessons
How I got into mcr - I was into 80s-90s rock and wanted to expand my genres and started with mcr and became obsessed with 2000s emo/rock
Era - Killjoy Era - I love all of the era's but I love how happy they all look and the character designs are so good

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