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photos in messages

Posted by baz


Forum: SpaceHey Group

it would be rly cool if we could send photos in messages or in blog comments! rn theres no real way to send photos and i think it would be cool if we could! i wanna send memes n stuff to my friends

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4 Replies

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Reply by Mario S


I imagine that would require a lot of bandwidth that would make the site a lot more expensive to run, And if its expensive they will have to start selling user  information to advertisers , and we would end up with a carbon copy of facebook.

Right now even profile pictures are only 1 per user, and extreamely small in size to keep bandwidth down

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Reply by andrew covell


mario there is no hosting on this site but you can use HTML to embed images this is cheaper and takes no extra bandwidth the problem is however that the img src code seems to be disabled from comments on bulletins and blogs 

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Reply by Rebecca Jeane


I was looking for this idea before I made a request about that myself. Hopefully he's able to swing that. I do kinda miss that feed roll thing where people posted glittery shit like "HAPPY FRIDAY" or something and also, images in profile comments so I can tell people how happy I am they added me by embedding an image of a fairy on a crescent moon saying "thanks for the add".

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Reply by SafeInSanity


It would be nice if we could add images to profile comments, bulletins and blogs 

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